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Altitude master server is online

Your router or firewall is blocking Altitude from accessing the Internet.

You must configure your router and firewall to allow traffic on port 27272 (UDP Protocol).

On your router, enable port forwarding and forward port 27272 (UDP Protocol) to IP unknown. You may find the detailed guides on helpful - follow the link and search for your router model. NOTE: is in not affiliated with Nimbly Games, LLC.

On your firewall, create a rule that allows Altitude to send and receive data on port 27272 (UDP Protocol).The following has instructions for the default Mac firewall.

Steps to configure your Mac OS X 10.3 & 10.4 firewall
  1. Click on the Apple menu and select System Preferences
  2. Click on Sharing
  3. Click on the Firewall tab
  4. Click on New
  5. Select Other for the Port Name
  6. Enter 27272 for the Port Number, Range or Series
  7. Enter Altitude for the Description and click OK
  8. Check the box for On next to Altitude (27272)
Steps to configure your Mac OS X 10.5 firewall
  1. Open the Apple menu
  2. Open System Preferences
  3. In the System Preferences window, click on Security
  4. Click the Firewall tab
  5. Click the Set access for specific services and applications button
  6. Click the + (plus) sign
  7. Navigate to /Applications/Altitude and select Press Add
  8. Make sure the game is set to Allow incoming connections
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