Hi, Tgleaf
Thanks for the explanation. Bye |
omg, we dont need another ufo in this game. |
>Implying I have a life to pour into posting spam.
My "Hello" to the Forums
I've decided after 300 hours of game play that I should probrably introduce myself to the forums.
"HELLO FORUMS!" (ok, that's out of the way) You may have seen me in a few games and I'm normaly pretty quiet, but that's just because I'm having so much fun shooting you all. I like to consider myself a good player with a patient attitude. If anyone wants to add me as a friend feel free to do so. Like I said, I've played alot and seen most of you online but I've made very little effort to make friends. This is me starting to make the effort. Well that's enough for now. See you in game. |
Hello everybody!
Me and my friends were looking around for a new game to play one day and we saw Altitude. Ever since I started playing it I can't stop. I have been playing it for about 2-3 months or so. My favorite planes are the Biplane and the Miranda. I play more in the ball bouncy and tbd normal and official servers. Hope to see some of you ingame (V)! _ !(V) |
Those look suspiciously like claws.
Agreed Smush. I'd say that further investigation is warranted.
Well of course they are claws silly it is supposed to look like a crab. My friend taught me how to make it using computer symbols
Woohoo im going to redo my introduction for the 2nd time!
So my name is Zachary and I like Altitude. My current in game name is Ness if you ever saw me. Fave plane is biplane. Well im also into my high school's drumline and yeah I'm usually very bored. Oh yeah can we keep most of the posts to actual introductions? |
Hey, I've posted here already, but may as well make an "official" entrance.
I've clocked ~300 hours playing altitude on 2 accounts (the first was a steam account and I got sick of opening steam just to play alti). The account I use now is "Slight", and I'm in the TBD clan ||_||. Don't ask me what it means; I don't know :-) I just play altitude for stress relief mostly, and usually on pub hardwall tbd servers. I try to be nice to newbies. I find ladder intimidating, especially after an atrocious 8-game losing streak :-( I am very open to advice, so if you're a good player, tell me what I'm doing wrong. My favorite thing in alti is kicking malakas when he starts flaming everyone. Feel free to friend me! I also am a fairly good writer / editor, so I'd be happy to help edit the wiki, and make it look pretty :-) Oh, and IRL I'm a physics student in the US of A, if anyone cares. -- Slight |
Oh lord, that was an amazing pastime.
Since you don't speak greek you do not realize the awesomeness of this.
I do hahaha
Who: Deno333
What: Mainly Bomber; recently Biplane When: May Where: US Why: It's a thrill How: It just is Hello, all. (I already recognize people I've played with in game, cool) I recently got into map-making and hope to share some with you(the maps from the community are awesome). As soon as I started, it was as addictive as the gameplay. |
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Back on topic.... |
Greek? Ack!
Anyway, hi everyone. My name is Mockingbird. I took it after my favorite Eminem song. I live in San Jose California officially, but I spend most of my time in Venice Beach. Don't ask me why, I just love it there. I skateboard, watch hockey (Go Sharks), surf, and play basketball. Not necessarily in that order. I just graduated from college, well, not just, but...yeah... Anyway, I just got altitude, and I'm loving it sooooooo much. I'm recognizing some of you from in-game interactions, (so proud of myself), and I really want to be friends with some of you all. I consider myself a mature player, I have yet to kick someone unless they really deserve it, in other words, no joke kicks. I have yet to play ladder but it looks cool. Like I said, I'm really looking forward to becoming a part of this thriving community, and if you see me in-game, feel free to hit me up with a friend request. I'm sure to say yes. |
Hey people
New here doing what newb people do and giving my boring intro post ;]
Happy to be here and looking forward to meeting some cool people. |
Completely new here, I just want to say hiya
I am thrilled to be among the brand new people in your forum, and hopefully I'll find sufficient time to stay around.
Welcome - glad to see some new faces around here.
We can has sigs? |
I play under the el fantastico name of Azzedarius958, some 90 hours by now I think. I dunno. I thought that was a lot until I popped by these forums. But then, I also pretend to have a life, so that might be the reason. I play the biplane, used to play a bomber, still ashamed of the days when I played a loopy. |
Hi all,
Been playing for ~2yrs now and finally decided to introduce myself here. In game name is General Gee (surprisingly) and I am a PhD student in Aero engineering which is probably why I love this game so much. I play too much Alti and drink far too much coffee . Karl, Lamster, thank you thank you thank you. What an amazing game. Anyways, see you in the skies. |
hi i'm strat. i bought the game awhile ago but haven't been able to play online much until recently. i love this game and i hope to play with everyone soon.
Just to say hello to everyone.
Tchau |
Hello everyone!!!
My real name is Daniel and i'm playing under nick Xorg. I have played this game for more than 1400 hours, and this is the only game I play online competetively. Actually I used to be in game as 'Imelyan'. I took 'Xorg' from my brother who rarely plays altitude. I started to play altitude since 26th August 2010. My best planes bomber and remote whale. Mostly I'm playing all planes in pubs. My goal is to reach 20,000 kills on all planes. Of course as you can see on my location I live in Belarus and I live in little prodigy town Svetlogorsk. I played more than 2 million XP and looking forward for new events. I like listening to metal music. I'm active everyday, but when I'm in school, I don't play so much, because of my school lessons. My main hobbies are: Cars, Metalcore Shooting, and Traveling. Well, all I've written is enough for now. Thanks for enjoying my little story. Xorg. Last edited by Xorg; 08-28-2012 at 09:52 PM. |
Wow, since this is the tradition to post a Hello with your full biography, here i go...
Hullo all, I am a 21th century teen (POWER TO THE TEEENS!) and i live in Massachussets (MA, close to Boston) I consider myself an advanced altitude player and i created a clan named (5) a few months ago (go see the (5) Clan forum thread for more info) who became quite popular. Ive know the altitude game for 2 years now and i am working on winning the record of the world longest demo player. I am a preeeetttyyy good TBD player, an advanced ball player and excellent (if i may say so) ffa and 1-life player. And at coop, well, lets just say that I've still got things to learn at co-op. All of this considering i only have DEEMMOOO My main goal with altitude is to become an Ace 10, have about 500 members in (5) clan, and fill up my friend list. It would also be nice if i could convince the noobs to PASS the ball BEFORE dying (jwk) Knowing that this post is placed at the 4th page, i hope the dude who decided to read it All is not dead bored by now! Sincerely Yours (i always say that...) THE MARVEL, CEO of (5) Inc Last edited by (5) THE MARVEL; 09-04-2011 at 02:46 AM. |
Welcome! Good to see this thread is back up.
"thats not wut jk means "olld timer" jk means joking" - from $WN Fillichio KGB and tgleaf, Rhetoric Master Classes, 2010 Edition |
Hello Everyone,
I am Bill aka Deadmeat. I am fairly new to the whole Altitude experience and I was just wondering the lay of the land. I have been playing since the free Demo and I have been absolutely loving it. However, I realized as I was playing last night I really didn't have a clue as to what exactly is going on. I am pretty much just a footballer and while there are some people that I play with often I do not know if they frequent these forums. Hell some of you may be ones that I play with I just don't know. I was wondering if someone would be able to point me in the directions of joining a "clan" or just getting to meet some new people. I am trying to remember the clan tags that I have seen and play with and these are the only ones that I can remember... {DB} F117 <C^ There are lots more but these are the ones that I see a lot. I am sitting at something like 84 hours and I have seen some other peoples up to 400-500 hours. I think I will be around to play this game for a long time. I affords me the opportunity to get away for a while. I guess this whole post was just to find new people to ball with. Deadmeat |
Hello Everyone,
I am Bill aka Deadmeat. I am 31 years old and 2 kids and a wife! This is my escape. I am fairly new to the whole Altitude experience and I was just wondering the lay of the land. I have been playing since the free Demo (Back in June 2010?) and I have been absolutely loving it. However, I realized as I was playing last night I really didn't have a clue as to what exactly is going on. I am pretty much just a footballer and while there are some people that I play with often I do not know if they frequent these forums. Hell some of you may be ones that I play with I just don't know. I was wondering if someone would be able to point me in the directions of joining a "clan" or just getting to meet some new people. I am trying to remember the clan tags that I have seen and play with and these are the only ones that I can remember... {DB} F117 <C^ There are lots more but these are the ones that I see a lot. I am sitting at something like 84 hours and I have seen some other peoples up to 400-500 hours. I think I will be around to play this game for a long time. I affords me the opportunity to get away for a while. I guess this whole post was just to find new people to ball with. Deadmeat |
Well the forums is pretty much where everything and everyone is at. Here's something that might help you with getting into a clan: a guide on how to get in competitive Altitude! You can also add me if you want ^.^ ign is Dem.
"thats not wut jk means "olld timer" jk means joking" - from $WN Fillichio KGB and tgleaf, Rhetoric Master Classes, 2010 Edition |
Welcome! You should try playing in some other servers as you'll probably find that other ball maps are even more fun that football ^_^
Anyway welcome Bill, and don't forget (MAD) clan for all your alty clanning needs. Seek out seeker and prove to him that you can climb that wall, free Amanda Knox and join the PIPE club for the WIN and once you are worthy, you will get MAD broken engrish rap wiki wiki wiki wat? |
Nice to meet you, Deadmeat! Welcome to the forums!
Since you're primarily a footballer, you'll probably find almost no one you know on these forums. The forums are primarily utilized by people who DON'T play football, as football is nearly universally regarded as a "noob map" and forum goers are mostly more experienced. If you want to improve your skills and community involvement, I would suggest you begin to play other maps besides football. You will find better competition elsewhere. |
hey guys thanks for all the info.
I have started to play in the non-football servers and for the most part I am taking some lumps. I can hold my own in the k/d/r but I need to learn the maps more, I have more trouble not crashing into things. Anywho I will shelve the clan talk until I deem myself worthy to "try out" for a clan. Thanks |
That's 1 of the many reasons we dont like/encourage football D: |
Hello there you beautiful people you, I AM REPTAR, and even though some kind people have asked me to join their clans in the past I don't have much confidence in myself. I don't talk much in the game because I am very (very) slow when typing on the keyboard, I hope people don't think I am being rude if I am not chatty during the games.
I have only ever played pub games (no ladder experience) and cut my teeth on ffa and tdm, which is probably why I am only really good at killing things. I like ball a little bit more than tbd because some of the one bomb maps can get stuck in a stalemate for ages, and after thirty minutes on a map with both bases at 100% it gets kind of boring. Steam tells me that I have played the game for nearly 560 hours, and I have been playing since December 2009. my planes are whale with thermo (1.81 ratio) and biplane with recoilless (1.39 ratio). I don't like the loopy and bomber but will use them if the team I am on looks like it needs balancing one way or another, randas continue to be a mystery to me. My favourite colour is blue, and my hopes for the future are that I will learn to resist the urge to crash my biplane into the walls every two minutes, and that I will one day increase my post count on this forum to two posts! (Apologies for the bad grammar) |