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Rank the official BALL maps
Voting is closed. Thanks to everyone who rated the maps! And now for the results...
Number of respondents: 46 Map Rating [1=excellent, 2=very good, 3=good, 4=fair, 5=poor] snow--------1.87 (favorite map) cave---------1.96 darkwar-----1.96 mayhem2---2.09 planepark---2.18 grotto-------2.31 maze--------2.52 labyrinth----2.60 funnelpark--2.73 core---------3.13 lostcity------3.18 asteroids----3.31 cross--------3.55 (least favorite map) Maps suggested for inclusion in ladder: atmosphere (1), cube (6), hardwood (1), ocean (1), pixelized (1), risk (1), underpark (1). Full results Last edited by tgleaf; 05-26-2010 at 05:25 AM. |
Done. 10 char.
voted for future compensation
done and done
I voted. Good work tgleaf.
done, also tg if you can read the add 2 ball maps you would like to see thingy from me =]
I will be posting map ratings and a list of all add-on maps that were suggested.
labyrinth ftw
Maze is so much fun.
Mayhem 2 is the best ball map ever. period.
Funnlepark obvi
I agree with elixir, labyrinth ftw
Edit: It was a joke, Ajuk. The poll's going great... 37 responses so far.
Last edited by tgleaf; 05-25-2010 at 11:36 PM. Reason: heh |
Good idea tg, except that "funnelpark" should be a rating in itself after "poor".
10 char |
i'm actually starting to like funnelpark a little more
Too bad ball players said so much bs about it. I thought and still do, it is a very good map for league plays, not for 10vs10... The few games i played it, about 2 months ago or so, were in fact, Great Games! I, know **** about ball. But all the efforts of the guy that knows more about map makin than everybody else, gone down the drain and thats just bad...
Asteroids ftw!
I would like to see people give their thoughts especially on Asteroids, Planepark, Funnelpark, Labyrinth, and Cross.
My ratings: Excellent: Cave, Darkwar Very Good: Cross, Mayhem2, Snow Good: Core, Funnelpark, Grotto, Lost City, Maze Fair: Asteroids, Labyrinth Poor: Planepark Some thoughts: Asteroids: The floor is bad (the pebble is notorious). Most obstacles cause the ball to go in the exact opposite direction you intended. Most goals on this map seem to be scored by unintentional passes to the other team. This map is the worst parts of Lost City x2. Cross: I never think I'm going to have fun on this map, then most games end up being a blast. A great passing map. FunnelPark: It's a decent map with some flaws, like easy defense. Labyrinth: Smooth floors are never a good thing. This map has a lot of unfun pileups. Maze: A few small changes could bump this up to Very Good but I'm not sure what needs to change. It seems slightly too easy to "break away" and dunk the ball. Planepark: This map is awful, over 70% of goals are scored by going along the bottom tunnel. Needs to be fixed. Pretty map. Snow: Not as much fun for me as others seem to think, but I can't deny this is a map where skill and teamwork really have a chance to shine. |
Why does everyone hate the pebble? I've never hit it in any of my games on roids. ._.
For most players they tend to have the ball slam right into it when they either pass to another player or go for an open pass. It tends to hit the pebble and bounce into the enemies hands. I've seen it happen a lot even in competitive matches. It is right in the center of the two bounce spots so chances of hitting it are higher. I would guess you just don't have bad luck. |
i hate the pebble but i think it is awesome
it's like the green monster |
I'm making a version of ball roids with the pebble's graphic replaced with the thing from Ski Free. Anyone want it?
I would like a copy of sins creations.
My ratings: Excellent: Darkwar, Labyrinth, Grotto Very Good: Mayhem2, Asteroids, Planepark Good: Core, Maze, Snow Fair: Lost City Poor: Funnelpark, Cave, Cross Some thoughts: My rating are based on what makes an interesting ball game to me, which comes down to "how much does it allow good positioning and how rewarding is it ?" Asteroids: I think the size is good and I like the verticality of the map. There is a good number of paths and you can often see action in every part of the map. I can't really see how the floor is bad as it's flat so kinda predictable. On the contrary, the pebble is that little grain of sand you (I ?) love to hate and it should stay that way to spice up games. Cross: Cross is basically football with a few obstacles but still far too open. All the games I have played and watched there never came down to good passing but to whoever fragged better to move on. It's purely a trench battle. Adding things in the way could help. FunnelPark: Gonna say it again : it's just a crashfest. It's a series of tunnel crashes after another to get the ball moving, the tunnel are far too narrow, it's a nightmare to fly through and not enjoyable in the least. The obstacles take far too much place to have interesting passing there and you are often totally cut out of the play. No hate on the creator, I like the graphics but I just don't think the design makes the map interesting. Labyrinth: Great example of a simple working map. It allows both good offense and defense. Fragging matters but you have options to make a difference and the clean scenery allows nice passes and bounce shots there. Maze: Obstacles a little too big in the median part, which makes most games a trench battle in the lower part. Also the spawn might be a little too far from your goal. Planepark: The infamous tunnel attacks comes with pros (red carpet to goal) and cons (easily defendable there) I think. Although gotta admit being able to send the ball directly into the tunnel at start should be restrained somehow. The middle part of the map works great so maybe the goals could use a little work, like making them higher, it could weakens the tunnel while encouraging more higher attacks/shots. Snow: Used to love it at first but finding it less and less interesting now. Many trench battles happen there and an enormous amount of crashing. Goal areas are good but getting there can be really tedious. I wouldn't be against a proportion change somewhere, like the map taller, or the middle obstacles smaller. Or the penguin alive and kicking planes. Last edited by Sunaku; 05-26-2010 at 04:07 AM. |
Maze>Labyrynth. I knew it!
i think asteroids is a good map except for the fail rock in front of the spawn (1 anchor from the front top and you hit a rock...gay). also the goal is a little too easily defended by mass whales but ehh other than that it's sweet
<3 the pebble |
I was just playing and watched 5 people crash into the same pebble over the course of 10 seconds. I think that pebble is the best part of the map now.
Keep the pebble, lose the spawn rock.
Results will hardly change how I feel about a matter as serious as maps. It only works for politics.
And to see that people dare to complain over a pebble, while cave is that high, is irony gold ^^ |
I didn't get to vote because it was over so quickly so I'm just gonna post these here and hope that someone is interested.
My ratings: Excellent: Darkwar, Mayhem2, Labyrinth, Planepark Very Good: Core, Cave Good: Funnelpark, Cross, Lost City, Grotto, Snow Fair: Poor: Asteroids, Maze Some thoughts: Asteroids: Somehow all the rocks, the bottom, the goal areas and basicly everything about it is just... messy. The placement of the rocks is pretty bad, the middle and top paths are way too hard to use effectively in attack compared to the bottom (I know, this is a problem with many maps but in Asteroids it's even bigger) and even though I love the pebble, the rock above it is the problem. It is way too narrow and usually then game tends to circle around that point. Cave: Many people don't like it but I think it is one of the best maps. Up, middle and down are equally good attack routes, the big open areas offer a nice change and usually some fun dogfighting take place in the middle. Cross: This is suprisingly fun, even though not as professional as the other maps. Selfpassing is hard and pretty much useless, shooting the ball rarely does any good and usually dunking is the only way to go. It's fun to play but defintely the best map. Darkwar: Great map. Nice shooting possibilities, well placed obstacles, good balance all over the map. Defintely one of the best ones. FunnelPark: I kind of like it but I really think that there are way too much narrow paths. With little tweaking it could be very good (the goal areas for examples are working), the middle-low and middle-top parts that are the biggest problems here. Grotto: Eh. The battles tend to end up too often in the bottom of the map where whales are ruling the game. The goal areas are excellent but the bottom and the bottom route to the goal area are quite bad and filled with obstacles. Labyrinth: Great bounce shots, many attack routes to choose from, a lot of passing. I don't understand why people hate it, after all it is one of the most tactical maps in the game. Lost City: I like it, even though the bottom path is often too easy to defend. The top path is open which makes it a very valuable option, especially considering the narowness of the bottom. The goal placing is good and there is a couple of very nice shots to do here. Still the game tends to take place in the middle are way too much and usually the games end up pretty messy. Maze: Not that good tbh. No one seem to enjoy it really. Whales whine how they are underpowered in Maze, randas whine how they are underpowered in Maze and everyone else whine how randas and whales are overpowered in Maze. The bottom area fights are boring and chaotic. Planepark: Great map. Especially the bottom path. |
Randas and whales are godlike in maze. The only plane that seems gimped is bomber, but not by much. The reason I say this is that the passages are REALLY wide and make it difficult for spam to encompass the whole tunnel.
lost city is obv the worst map
i dont get the asteroids love. it's a terrible map. the pebble is fricking hilarious, but other than that the map is no fun. There are way too many obstacles by either goal so you basically just have to send your whole team one after another down the same path to score.
planepark might have this same issue with the bottom path, but it allows for passing up the middle path or the end path by the goal in order to set up some awesome goals. plus, while it is a good path to use for cover on offense, it is also easy to defend, so there is an odd balance there. Roids doesnt allow for that at all. once you enter a path you either get killed or you score. there's no room for passing or evasion or anything. btw, i like the idea of moving up the goal to make the middle path more viable in plane park. this would buff the top path by the spawn too, as it might even be possible to score from that tunnel if you have a weak shot (e.g. loopy). |
Asteroid got pretty bad score (2nd last). And it is possible to shoot from the upper tunnel in plane park. Actually it is possible to shoot even before it. |
What do you mean only me and one other person gave cross and excellent?!?!?!?