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Old 09-23-2009, 10:29 PM
Vania Vania is offline
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Default To Lamster.

Hey Lamster, I just wanted to ask you a few questions.

I make flash games, I started making games almost 2 years ago.
And since you made this awesome game I just wanted to know if
you could give me some advice, like recommended books, articles, or websites, where I can learn more about game design, and game programming in general...

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Old 09-23-2009, 11:02 PM
DiogenesDog DiogenesDog is offline
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I'm not Lamster, but I think I can give you some advice on the design / community side of things...

For game design, I think the most important thing is just to play a ****load of games and spend time picking them apart. When something is fun or cool, try to figure out exactly why, and ditto for the opposite. Pay special attention to games that are very similar where one is awesome and the other sucks - try to figure out what subtle differences set them apart.

There are sites that have a lot of articles/discussions about this kind of thing ( is the biggest), but honestly the biggest thing is just to apply common sense and get a feel for what works. Reading about game design isn't as pointless as reading about running to become a champion sprinter, but it's not far off. and that's assuming you're reading good stuff - a lot of what's out there is crap.

On the community side, there are lots of places where you can follow indie game development and talk to people from that community. To be honest, most of them are idiots, but you'll find good pieces of info here and there. And seeing the mistakes / terrible games that other people make is helpful.

Here are some websites to check out: (main page for news, forums have lots of dev stuff)

Again, though, I have to stress that you'll want to stay skeptical when reading a lot of this stuff. There are a lot of talented designers out there, but most of them aren't writing articles. The Gama stuff is about as legit as it gets, and even the majority of that is a bit of a mess imo. but you do occasionally come across something nice, so whee.

book-wise, the only good book I've read on design is actually not intentionally about game design. it's called The Design of Everyday Things, and it's basically about usability. the rules are mostly meant for physical objects, but a lot of it also works well for UI and controller layout stuff. I also read a bit of a book called Rules of Play, but I didn't get very far. it was mostly decent, sane advice, but the style is horrific... by far the least readable TEXTBOOK I've ever picked up. how they managed that is beyond me. :/
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Old 09-23-2009, 11:07 PM
eth eth is offline
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Yes please! ^^ Would be awesome with some advice! Over the past year Ive read some windows programming books, followed some linear algebra courses online(the MIT opencourse stuff) and am currently reading my eyes out on network programming in Windows, but all of this doesnt really get me anywhere. Or well it does, but I just get endlessly sidetracked by "useful things to know when making games".
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Old 09-23-2009, 11:15 PM
tyr tyr is offline
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If this helps, I remember a thread where Karl listed some of the software they used to create Altitude.

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Old 09-24-2009, 12:29 AM
Karl Karl is offline
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start small and keep expanding.

Lams evolution (from my poor memory):
  1. calculator (ti-83 i think) text RPG like legend of the red dragon
  2. pong in java
  3. random junk in java
  4. basilica (java applet) (can't find any screens of this game anymore) it was a mouse driven game where you shot arrows out of your base at enemies.
  5. random stuff using wild tangent engine
  6. pong multiplayer
  7. space invader type game (java)
  8. attempted a Gauntlet type game
  9. Shawn Frison (aka DiogenesDog) said something along the lines of this game biplanes game was awesome and thus Altitude was born.

It's hard to recommend any books cause I really don't like any of them... it's also been a really really long time since i've read a book... once you get a "feel" for things you just use the internet. The internet is really your best resource.

Back when I used to read I was a big fan of O'Reilly published books... but they aren't all good... the Nutshell series are my particular favorites.

You also have to make a choice of what you want to program in. I personally see there being 3 realistic choices:
  1. Java - using LWGL or JOGL
  2. C# using DirectX
  3. C++ using DirectX

C++ is very unforgiving... I wouldnt recommend it.
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Old 09-24-2009, 07:25 AM
Rechtschaffen Rechtschaffen is offline
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Machine code is invaluable. Learn to talk to kitchen appliances first.
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Old 09-24-2009, 10:43 AM
AlterMX AlterMX is offline
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Edited due to double-post

Last edited by AlterMX; 09-25-2009 at 06:34 AM.
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Old 09-24-2009, 10:56 AM
AlterMX AlterMX is offline
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Sigh... lost my initial post..


As some of my Altitude friends already know, I program games for a living. Although Karl and DiogenesDog has already given some suggestions, I'll impart some further advice.

Game programming is essentially developing the most efficient and fastest systems possible. The best thing you could do is have a look at Steve McConnell's books, specifically 'Code Complete'. It contains a lot of good principles that will transform your programming and becomes essential when working in team environments. In fact, a number of studios I've worked with have recommended the book as standard reading alongside their code style sheets. Don't bother with any "How to game program" type books - completely not worth it. They tend to teach bad practises, fail outside their test scenarios or even fail to compile correctly! Instead, have a look at 'Game Architecture and Design' - somewhat similar to 'Code Complete' but more directed to game development.

As for websites, the majority of them are of the "Do this, then this" variety - don't bother with them. You don't learn why you should/shouldn't work in particular ways nor does the "copy/paste" mentality help either. Experiment in your chosen language and join a website community that specialises in your language. Interact with the regularly and your knowledge will expand exponentially.

I am also a frequent member on the IndieGamer forums. Word of warning, although we welcome new people,we prefer questions to be on the intelligent side ranging from programming ideas, business and critiques - "How do I begin programming?" questions are typically a no-no.

As per Karl's suggestion, C++ can be left for later. I would actually recommend using BlitzMax as a language. A few indie programmers I know swear by it (and some have done very well for themselves). Look into using it, it takes care of a lot of background engine work and lets you focus on programming the game. It's affordable to.

There used to be a list that developers could use to develop their games in a specific order - this way each game build upon another. I can't remember what the list is now but I have a feeling it is the following:
  1. Pong
  2. Tetris
  3. Breakout
  4. Asteroids
  5. PacMan
  6. Mario/Sonic

PS. Good luck - its worth it!

Ahhh.. found the link:

Last edited by AlterMX; 09-24-2009 at 11:16 AM.
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Old 09-24-2009, 03:34 PM
Triped Triped is offline
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Originally Posted by AlterMX View Post
The best thing you could do is have a look at Steve McConnell's books, specifically 'Code Complete'.
Yes, this book cannot fail to make you a good programmer.

I don't program games but I do design them. You need to have people who will look at your games and tell you they suck. It usually takes a LOT of playtest before a game's any good. Be sure to rotate people so you have a lot of fresh eyes looking at each iteration.
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Old 09-24-2009, 05:25 PM
Esoteric Esoteric is offline
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Basilica! Not to derail the thread, but is there anywhere on the web it can still be found? I used to love that game.
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Old 09-24-2009, 05:35 PM
Karl Karl is offline
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Originally Posted by Esoteric View Post
Basilica! Not to derail the thread, but is there anywhere on the web it can still be found? I used to love that game.
not that im aware of. maybe one day ill take it out of the vault and throw it up on our web server.

Oh yea, one thing I forgot to mention is mods! The counter-strike creator wasn't an amazing programmer and look what he did, largest multiplayer game in the world. I've personally never made a mode for a game but I can imagine it would be pretty nice because you get to focus entirely on your game and not worry about graphics/sound/physics engines.
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Old 09-24-2009, 06:03 PM
nesnl nesnl is offline
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Originally Posted by Karl View Post
not that im aware of. maybe one day ill take it out of the vault and throw it up on our web server.

Oh yea, one thing I forgot to mention is mods! The counter-strike creator wasn't an amazing programmer and look what he did, largest multiplayer game in the world. I've personally never made a mode for a game but I can imagine it would be pretty nice because you get to focus entirely on your game and not worry about graphics/sound/physics engines.
How about opening it up so we can make mods for Altitude!!
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Old 09-24-2009, 07:42 PM
argonide argonide is offline
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Hey look what I found: Vale Invaders


Oh, eso, bascillica is there too but its not loading for me.
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Old 09-24-2009, 08:47 PM
Carbon Carbon is offline
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Originally Posted by nesnl View Post
How about opening it up so we can make mods for Altitude!!
Even just server mutators would be cool. Mutators really added a lot to Unreal Tournament games and I think they could do a ton for Altitude.

Or some form of scripting when making levels
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Old 09-24-2009, 08:47 PM
Kuja900 Kuja900 is offline
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Lamster worked with Johnny_Vegas?

Cool guy ^^

Last edited by Kuja900; 09-24-2009 at 08:57 PM.
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Old 09-24-2009, 09:29 PM
Esoteric Esoteric is offline
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Ya argonide, that site's been that way for years.
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