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Olbermann77's *Photoshopped* Stats
Here are my wonderful stats Note: I just bought the full game three days ago so my loop and bomber kills and deaths are larger in number.
If anyone wants to duel, hire, etc, etc. Send me a private message or talk to me via altitude. Good Luck HTML Code:
<a href="http://www.allhtmlcodes.com" title="MySpace HTML Codes, Generators and more at ALLHTMLCODES.COM!"><img src="http://api.ning.com/files/JpWqut6gtbKKPFeQyVgsP3tE-NuJS3k37*VuPNVdKR-CnXT4rNsdyw2zsdBUa2iU/statspng.png" alt="http://api.ning.com/files/JpWqut6gtbKKPFeQyVgsP3tE-NuJS3k37*VuPNVdKR-CnXT4rNsdyw2zsdBUa2iU/statspng.png"></a> You Idiots that think it's about math! I am a bot killer! I always play training... Last edited by Olbermann; 11-21-2009 at 05:11 PM. Reason: picture size was bad |
Interesting how your kills / deaths don't even closely match your ratios...
Are you insinuating that I"m not really that good as my stats?
What version of photoshop do you use?
Nice stats man! You must be really, really, really good. Wow! Jesus. Crap me in the forest and hang my apples. Woah. Hallelujah, you're like.. wow. So good. Good job!
I think that's 2. He could smooth it out better in a later version.
Your Miranda is bad.
but his biplane is good. wait ur a bot killer arnt u?
i just can't see how you can get 70k kills in 300 hours, if you play with real people.
The long answer is: if you possess trilinear absolution skills of the 5th quantum degree, and you are the chosen hero of the Ending Era, and you've defeated the dark lord with your holy sword of matrimony, then.. this is still photoshopped. |
well i suppose it's just my English - it's obvious it's photoshopped, nice long answer though :P
But I should admit the kid tried hard - the numbers correlate well with the given ratio :P PS: change 300 on 800 hours - and then it just might work hyhy Last edited by Tosconi; 11-20-2009 at 02:51 AM. |
OMG I feel so insulted! :eek:
LOL u guys are funny!....NOT. If u dont think I"m that good then go ahead and play me a duel! You will see very well and you might get owned! So for all of u idiots that think I photoshopped the stupid pic..come play me!
The only thing I'm saying is:
14899 / 5989 = 2.49 12966 / 1530 = 8.47 1970 / 352 = 5.60 1567 / 589 = 2.66 1298 / 289 = 4.49 |
No, how about this, next time you photoshop your stats.. Why don't you even do the math to change your ratios? And yes, if you were "dueled" by anyone on this thread. The term is too vulgar for the forums so I will use "destroyed!!"
Personally, idc about stats
I would laugh but its so dumb its not even funny.
Please never post again. |
Haha, these guys should be tempbanned for being so bad at tampering with images hahaha. But seriously, math, learn it
guys, don't be too hard on olbermann. he's probably like a fifth grader and hasn't even learned what ratios are yet. don't blame him if he doesn't know how to divide
Sick stats! Your IQ must be off the charts as well!
His IQ must be somewhere along the lines of his real ratio...
See Deathrod's post in same forum. The stats are correct as reported by the system.
don't worry I was thining along the same lines - glad you posted it so I didn't have to. But yes - admins, before someone gets actually upset can you get rid of this and the other stat ones ?because it's gonna damage some young kids morale and this is supposed to be a friendly community (it seems just a thread attacking people form previous posts really..) Cheers |
Okay I'll admit it. I've just woken up and I have no idea what these numbers mean.. Any help for a tard?
You're just another kid who thinks his ratios are impressive. They would be if they matched the quality of your play, but they don't and we all know these are fake so just stop making this kind of threads. |
Told you he was horrible. -.-
Those are what the ratios on his screenshot should be if it was a legitimate picture.
If you look closer at the Death Rod's stats, there are visible traces of picture compression around the photoshopped stats but not around the real ones. Also, it's hard to notice, but the fonts are slightly different I think that bomber and randa stats are original, loopy and biplane are definitely photoshopped.. not sure about explo..