Hey guys, just checking out the forum...thought i'd see what ball members were saying, and couldn't help but noticing your need for some solid D-type kinda player...
I would consider |
I think you'd be a great addition, DF. I talked to Harmonica tonight, who also said he'd think about it--you two are probably the best whales I've played with, I think you'd be solid additions. Maybe we should schedule you into one of these tryout sessions? Or just let you in, if MOXIE says so
Ooh, no can do MOX. Thursday night I'm pretty booked. Sorry! Feel free to PM me earlier in the day, though.
By the way PB was just a plan to get another ball clan I was going to quit from the start and I think it worked caz seanzyftw isn't goin to quit I think I told him he could take over my spot hopefully they raise a strong clan so we can face them sometime
cheers |
Great to see there's an active forum here! The group is shaping up nicely with members I enjoy playing with.
Initially I did not want to join any clans but Ball seemed a reasonable group to be part of. My availability to play with the team may be limited. I'm old, with a demanding job, wife and child, but I take every opportunity to play a few balls. I will be traveling for a whole month from mid-december to mid-january, and won't be able to play for all that time. So don't go wondering if I left the game, it is temporary. Do we have a private Ball forum somewhere btw? We may need that. Anyway I am here really just to have fun with no fuss. A lot of rules with 'must dos' and 'must not do' will ruin it for me. So I hope this remains simple and enjoyable. See you on the field MadDog |
dog fight help
I have been practicing with biplane to get my kill potentency up. I know i play mostly with loopy but they translate very well to me. i have increased the kill o meter from 0-5 a game to 10 and up.
I would love some dog fighting lessons from a squad member to help me out with the 1 on 1 fights that i usually loose. I am also much better at the d-fence part now and would be happy to take that role in a group of ballers!!! My 2 cents: Dontfollow is an aswome baller, he always saves his team 5 or more goals a game even against current {ball} members. Is it obvious that i agree that we need diversity. all loopy teams get crushed against diverse squads shred some hull. art |
I started a social group... I can check if it has permissions for that. Edit: the social group is now set to "invite only," so expect to receive an invitation if you are registered for the Altitude forums. Same here. It's the reason I wasn't interested in other clans. I don't have time for leagues or set schedules, most of the time. But if other members want it to get more serious, I'm okay with that. Last edited by tgleaf; 12-11-2009 at 03:47 AM. |
Sure, I'd be up for a challenge. I can probably make any night 8-12 EST, but if other {ball}ers would rather play, they can.
How exactly is this going down? I know we're used to 10v10 ball servers, but I assume this will be along the lines of tbd standards, 5v5? I would guess potential future ball tournaments would be 5v5. Also, I, who, too, wouldn't mind some 1v1 practice with some {ball}ers. We could use my server and duel map. |
Maddog you are definently a valuable asset even with your limited playtime - which i dont find that limited at all
On the whole Miranda-thing i think im gonna take the middle road. Sure they can be overwhelming when played by a skilled pilot in a map that favors they're playstyle. They are however not anymore overpowered than a simple standard Loopy in my opinion. Its really a matter of how you counteract them, like someone mentioned EMP and its definently useful. Truth be told all the planes are good in their own unique way, it all depends on who is flying them. As far as i can tell most of the top players have joined this guild, maybe with the exception of Roowo, JackShafToe, Stu and Jazzy. Last edited by Tortilla; 12-11-2009 at 01:13 AM. |
Hey guys I'm sorry for that whole stupid pro ballers that was the stupidest thing I've ever done on altitude many people hate me now or just dislike me so remember IM SORRY!!!!!
hey thisis10characters
I'm dreading the day they fix the miranda issue, as i can usually do what some randas can do on 5v5 in 10 v 10. Not gonna be fun getting used to that, but, with time anchor it shouldn't be that bad, just a level playing field.
Other than that, ball is super chill. |
BALL Server!
Thanks to 'who', we now have a BALL server. It's called 'who?' Once you find it, right-click and add it as a favorite server so it will show up at the top of your list each time. Private message 'who' for the password. Edit: I've posted the server password in the social group. We can use it for try outs, scrimmages, etc. Last edited by tgleaf; 12-11-2009 at 10:45 PM. |
{ball} vs. FN
We had our first clan match (sorry we jumped the gun!). It was just 2v2, against FN, but fun. We got worked over because they had two mirandas doing self-pass, and then after that they beat us fair and square. It's tough to have two loopies and nothing else against bombers, whales, and mirandas. We did manage to win one (of about five matches). We really need a password-protected server, though (who).
Last edited by tgleaf; 12-11-2009 at 10:23 PM. |
Wow. Okay, I reset the server so it's now password protected.
2v2, even 5v5, is a far different game than 10v10. Even in BALL, established TBD clans shouldn't be underestimated. They have much greater teamwork under their belt than we do and are probably more capable at dogfighting. =/ And for some reason images take a while to show on the forums, but they're there now. |
Great Work
Good Job Guys. If you guys keep on going you will be a good solid clan after a few tourneys. Good Job MOXIE & Tgleaf for putting together a great clan for ball!
we have 22 people and we are adding more.... does anyone else see this as a problem?
if we want to scrim another clan, we would play 5v5 or 7v7 max. that leaves out the majority of {ball}. If the higher ups hold a ball tourney, we would have to enter like 3-4 teams if we all wanted to play (not that everyone would want to or whatever, but hypothetically). would that even be allowed? Also, i know there are new players coming up who are really good, but there are no other ball clans out there for them to really join, so already, a lot of reallly good newbies are coming to {ball}. We have kind of monopolized the ball specializers i feel, and I dont know if that's a good thing. For this reason i'm kind of considering creating a new clan to compete (amicably of course) with {ball}. please dont force me out yet bc i have no idea if this would actually work, what with all the awesome ballers already here, but if one or two people would want to come with me and create a new clan for the sole purpose of breaking up the {ball} monopoly on ball specializers I think this might be feasible. I really kind of hoped that someone else would want to do this (I thought it was ACE fighter at first), so that I wouldnt have to leave (bc you guys are awesome), but I dont see it happening anytime soon. Any thoughts/suggestions? |
I'm down for dividing the teams, but how would we do that?
And anywho, we'll be fine playing against people in 5v5 or 7v7. |
i dont know, kai. I wouldnt mind splitting up, but I dont know how that would fly with others (considering everyone joined {ball} not {___} random clan.) I also doubt moxie would want to lose any of this clan, so it would have to be an individual choice I think rather than just splitting {ball} up.
I like CCN's idea too. He said that in KLF they have a team (or teams?) within the clan. I think that might be a cool idea. It wouldnt really form a real rival though, so i think it's a secondary idea that we should go with (assuming the captains are down with it) if no one is interested in joining a new clan. If we had multiple teams, however, that could create real intraclan rivalries, which might be cool. dibs on {ball*} --> bAllstars... or if it's a new clan {b*} I am think i am giving this wayyyyy too much thought. |
I've joined recently, even though I was invited a lot earlier. I play mostly ball with loopy.
I too have been wondering about the clan size; there seem to be new {ball} members each day -- and no new rival ball clan members.
I think everybody would benefit from an additional ball-oriented group. I have no preference between having a wholly separate clan versus a segment that's only distinct during match play: I think the whole "whale goalie" vs "handler making fantastic shots" scenario shows that the group is mature enough to handle friendship and competition at the same time. (Even if I do occasionally make Arty and Tortilla sad... sorry about that.) Personally, I'm up for anything so long as everybody's having fun. |
2 cents
We can take it when we get it.
I personally think we need to 1st see how many of the crew wants clan matches and can make it to them. (i also never seen more than 6 ball members on at the same time and i have been on alot in the past two weeks.) maybe we should see when most of our members actually play. I could not fathom how you would break up what we have but stalling our recruting is a great way to allow another grop to emerge. Steam will help. I will be shocked if another one does not pop up soon. I just want to be a contributing part of a great team and being there from the begining makes it so much sweeter. I still believe the promise land of ball in general starts with teaching the noobs and not calling them names so the level of play gets better. I love a well played game that ended 5-6. i so want to see an all ball match. remember to play other modes. it has changed my potency in ball. especially tdm. l8r |
Hey, since you are the only ball team, how about getting together and making some ballin' ball maps?!?!?! We are in dire need of ball maps that actually work, especially ones on a competitive level. We need more than mayhem2...
No kidding. You've gotten really good at your kill ratio. TDM has really helped me, too. I think our scrimmage(s) should be heavy on TDM with a side of BALL. Yes, we all love BALL, but we're the best in the game at it... we need to up our kills and general tactics so that we can take on a great TBD clan -- in a BALL match, of course -- and do well (e.g. KLF).
Clan availability and scheduling
I know we'll have to sort out the multiple clans vs. multiple teams vs. sticking with just {ball}, but we have other matters to sort out for our scrimmages and upcoming battles (KLF next weekend, and jazzspaz wants to put a team against {ball} sometime soon). Plus, we're getting spontaneous challenges for on-the-spot matches, which are great as well.
Please private message me (posting here will clutter this discussion way too much) with the following information and I will try to organize things for all of us: Altitude handle/name (some people go by one name in the forums and something else in-game): Preferred plane: Other plane(s) you are good at: Your timezone/location: Preferred times for scrimmages and matches: On a scale of 1-10, with 10 the highest, how interested/available are you for matches, leagues, and that sort of thing? We are striving to make {ball} as casual and commitment-free as possible (I, for example, can't commit to regular matches), but I'd like to get a sense of how we should move forward. Thanks! --tgleaf P.S. I will be updating the roster (first post on this thread) with names of players who want to join {ball}. Even though we've frozen membership, I think we should keep track of additional folks who want in. They might join a split-off clan, or join a team such as the one jazzspaz intends to make. |
After today's scrimmage -- and news of the recruitment freeze and possible startup of a separate ball clan -- I feel a lot better about our numbers. While a huge, all-inclusive group might be nice, we kinda already get that via the game itself. :-)
I don't have any experience making maps, but I could give it a try. Would there be an interest in a 'training'-style map where one team's on offense and the other defense, or does that kind of go against the spirit of Ball mapmaking? Are there any such maps for TBD out there? |
So when can we split the clan in to two? I really want to join this clan, and wiseguy I always use the bomber so I would be a nice addition.
Hey I would love to make a logo for the clan! I do a lot of graphic design.
I'm a p good ball player, not skillwise, but i can shoot, pass, and kill.
not really the last part, but still. I've seen a lot of you guys around. |
A logo for the clan Maybe
The ball clan.jpg I made this for the clan. if you want to see it bigger go here
http://altitudegame.com/forums/attac...1&d=1260677763 |
.jpg |
http://nimblygames.com/wiki/index.ph...r's_Guide)) It's quite a bit to read, but it's helpful. Good maps arent easy to make. The one i've made is too turrible to display publicly Last edited by drunkguava; 12-13-2009 at 06:26 AM. Reason: incorrect link |
I have been meaning to write a better guide for the editor. Unfortunately that guide was written about a year ago (at my request and I am still very thankful to lamsbro, and yes that's lamster's brother, for writing that guide for me). The editor has changed quite a bit since that guide was written and it is much easier to use now. However, I am working on a bunch of maps myself right now and I can't guarantee when I will write the guide.
However, I can make you or anyone else an offer. If you aren't comfortable with the editor or don't want to learn it, I would be willing to import your art into the editor and make the map. The important part about making art for a map is that it needs to be in separate layers, such as the game layer, background, etc. So ideally, a program like photoshop would be used. However, the editor has kind of two ways of using it. There is the complex way, which can be used to create many varied and interesting effects, or the easy way which was recently implemented to offer people who didn't want ot learn the editor a way to make maps. All you have to do is have each of the layers for the game saved in a PNG format. Then in the editor go to the menu selection "Import Large PNG." This function will automatically import the image and cut it up into optimized pieces and it will also automatically create the collision outlines for you. However, this can still be a bit confusing without a basic understanding of the editor. So again, my offer still stands to import the art into the editor for you (just don't send me some art you made in Paint that took 10 minutes to do.) Also, a huge help for me was to open maps that already exist and take a look at how they were made. So for example, you can take any altx file and open it in the editor, such as ball_mayhem2 or tbd_lostcity or whatever map you want. |
Thanks, Maimer. I like the idea of importing Photoshop images. I think I may try that. I have no artistic sense, though, so someone else may have to draw the maps. And tinkering with an existing map to learn about the editor sounds like a good idea, too.
Wow, great work guys. I've been away for a few days with finals and such, but I'm really glad to see how strong this is going.
I think another clan is also a good idea...and I'd feel compelled to join Guava's, given the awesome name :P |
, heheh cool name, right? Kinda stole the idea from [L*] though (lobstars).
i might be on less this week too because i have finals. Maybe... I will probably get online to procrastinate anyway. |
I was thinkng maybe you should make your 2nd clan in mine like SA will be the 2nd half of ball I know u guys probally will think it is a bad Idea but I thought y not throw it out there