My suggestions
Hi All,
I have been playing for a couple of months only, my suggestions are of small detail, nothing groundbreaking and especially game-breaking (i hope) 1) air superiority Extra XP or gold bars for the team that clears an area of the map of all enemies that entered it. Dominance should be measured in time. Super bonus for doing this over their base in TBD. This would be a bit like trying to capture the centre squares on a chess board. the dominated team should be duly taunted 2) promoting player self control/preservation guys who die more should take increasingly longer to spawn. 3) vendetta/bad blood during the match we should know specific scores between players who are killing each other repeatedly. If Mr. A gets killed by Mr. B >x times, extra XP for Mr. B, and some message on screen for everyone to witness the pwnage |
The vendetta idea is ****ing genius, love it. Hunting players with gold bars/players I know is probably my favorite thing to do in TBD's. Punishing players even more for dying is not good(already lose bars/stats/street cred goes down when you die) - this makes players more likely to camp, which is already a pretty big problem in most TBD games. Not too sure about the air dominance thing either.. I mean if everyone in the area gradually gets gold bars, it'll be completely impossible to take it back.
i like these ideas a lot, especially vendetta! Karlam youhoo?!!
nice :)
Very nice ideas, hope some of these get put forward
Wewt i love the vendetta i had a 28 kill streak and i'm sure 14 of them were from the dumb bomb dropper guy.
First two ideas are not needed.. if you control the center of the map, that is already a good thing, and if you die a lot, that is already a bad thing. However, the Vendetta idea is pretty interesting. I also would like the game to announce when someone has a kill streak or has gold bars.
il have to disagree a bit these are good ideas non the less
i like 1) idea 2) slower spawn times is what makes this game QUOTE "fast paced fun" and this was coming from steam and other websites who rated and wrote articles on altitude. i like this game for the reason that i can keep playing and not wait 1 min to play a game, thats the main reason why i dont play other games because half the time i wont be playing. etc etc etc 3)this could be a huge list i like the idea but i can get very confusing and to much info can be put on that page imagine clicking tab to see a huge list of things half of u dont care about |
THERES A SHT LOAD of new players posting suggestions guyz slow down and think plz
Hi all,
thanks for the comments, I'll pick up where mled left off. Quote:
thanks. when I was thinking about all this my main purpose was to find ways to give feedback to teams/players when they are doing well and wind up a bit those who are not. it would be a bit like the "pwnage" taunts on fps games. another thing about this air superiority is that on a TBD match you can own a zone but the guy with a bomb can slip through somewhere else. I thought it would add some excitement to have this secondary "show off" objective for players and have them risk the primary objective because of it Quote:
Forgot one thing about the Vendetta idea:
When you log in, the server could announce the presence of the guy you shoot the most/are shot by the most. A similar mechanism that is used for when Friends are online. This is why I wanted to call it Vendetta |
I like the vendetta idea and I like your name as well
On a lot of sites I go by iflyroflcopters haha. |
Vendetta sounds great, I would love to have an extra award for "most kills of a single player." For example: "Pieface killed Kuja900 20 times this game" would make my life worthwhile.
Maybe also a section in the stat screen where we could see who we killed the most overall, and who's our worst nightmare.
I realize this is totally useless but so are stats, so it fits perfectly ! |