I had a boring lecture today, and decided to fire up Altitude on my netbook. It's actually working pretty well. However, I get these random (temporary) freezes from time to time. Not very often, but sometimes at inconvenient times. I'm wildly theorizing that this is caused by garbage collection being done in the background by the java vm.
I have one minor suggestion: please call System.gc() right after you die (like, when the "you were killed by..." popup is shown), to suggest to the vm that it's a good time to do some cleaning up. It's not guaranteed to help, and if it helps it won't remove all occurences of the freezes. But it's a tiny change, and there is a chance. |
Edit ~Altitude/config/options.xml and on the <generalOptions... line change:
garbageCollectOnSpawn="false" to garbageCollectOnSpawn="true" |
Hooray, thanks!