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Clan Organization Clan recruiting and other things clans want publicized. |
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![]() ![]() ![]() We are a small 'casual pro' clan concentrating purely on the ball game mode. 'Casual pro' in our case means that we take the game seriously and try to be as good in it as we can (thus pro), but our training times and amounts vary a lot depending our real lives (thus casual). Sky Pirates was formed by two enthusiastic brothers, {arr}Gemi and {arr}D4rt, when they started playing the game in late 2009. The clan kept quiet for a couple of months while both trained their flying, killing and scoring skills. In February 2010 the clan started recruitment and within a very short time period we gathered a team full of eager and capable players ready to bring some Yarr to the fields of ball. {arr} soon rose to the official title of the best ball clan in existence as the team conquered the SkyLeague. {arr} also beat the StreetBallaz 3v3 tournament with their ABE team shortly after that. After a short time of lower success the clan returned to full force in The European Altitude Ball League taking the first place in the league, dominating all but one of the other participating clans with 3-0 victories. Recruitment to Sky Pirates is always open, but new members are taken rarely. Please contact {arr}Wyrd if you are interested. If you want to know more about Sky Pirates, Arr friends, our recruitment or our servers, or just want to look at our member roster and other information, please visit our websites at http://gemi.nn.fi/arr/ and http://www.wolfeys-lair.co.uk/arr/. You'll see us on the field, looting your balls. Yarr! Leaders: Captain: {arr}Wyrd Co-captain: {arr}Sunaku Elder: {arr}Gemi Active members: {arr}_micro {arr}akkargutt {arr}cipso {arr}Dim77 {arr}Habeas {arr}Lady Squirtle {arr}Maleus {arr}Mortva {arr}skYp {arr}Strzy {arr}Trix {arr}Wolfey Inactive members: {arr}D4rt {arr}Hagnot {arr}Iderik {arr}StarDust Former members: G00se Strong Coffee Tominator Void We are open for clan vs. clan matches so feel free to ask us when you see us online. If you want to schedule a match please contact micro through a forum pm, in the game with the name {arr}_micro or post on our own website: http://www.wolfeys-lair.co.uk/arr/ Arr server #3 is meant for play testing new maps. Please visit the server with a bunch of others and let the map creators know what you think of their maps. You can download all of the current maps in a single zip package behind this link: http://gemi.nn.fi/files/arr_server_maps.zip The list of maps currently in rotation on the server are: ball_arcanum ball_atmosphere ball_cavern ball_cross (not sure if it's the newest version) ball_cube ball_doodle ball_excel ball_funnelpark (not sure if it's the newest version) ball_hardcourt ball_lazer ball_ocean ball_pixelized ball_risk ball_skullisland ball_star ball_superlazer ball_thorns Last edited by gemigemi; 02-23-2011 at 11:24 PM. |
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You guys are good to be honest.
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On a side note, we've got a couple of new {arr} players and are still on the lookout for more. |
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We've now recruited 3 players, getting us up to a total of 5. Doesn't allow us to play the usual 6v6 ball matches yet, but we did have a nice 4v4 fun training match against {ICE} today. Victory tastes sweet, and it seems like our recruitment has targeted the right players (everyone played very well solo and team), but there's still improvement ahead for all of us and we still need more players. Future looks shiny for {arr}.
Gemi, good luck with the clan! I'm always happy to see new BALL clans crop up. You guys have been playing quite a bit and are skilled (and decent people), so I think you stand a good chance at making this work. Good write-up (first post) as well.
There are more and more talented non-clan players, so you should have a good pool to choose from. I'll PM you with a few ideas. EDIT: Any time you guys want to scrim with {ball/*} -- even informally -- let me or drunkguava know (or just talk to our members in-game... impromptu scrims are always okay, too). Last edited by tgleaf; 02-08-2010 at 07:21 PM. |
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We are definitely interested in random fun scrims. We will probably not schedule any matches for now, just playing whenever we happen to be online. For now our team size is a bit limited, but I'm hoping to get a couple of new members soon so we can play real 5v5 or 6v6 games. |
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Skyterror has changed nick and is now officially known as "Void". Remember the name
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hmm i've seen some of you guys play ball and i am impressed. you should get some teamwork going a few more recruits and some strategies and you can try to beat a few teams 0.0.
PS: that website looks great and it is impressive since that is the first look of your team. |
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How about Wolf'pail;max Now I want you to take your time and not rush a decision but I think we have a winner here. <3 Last edited by CCN; 02-09-2010 at 04:09 PM. |
I'm new! \o/
// {arr}_micro |
Welcome micro! I know you will have a real good time with us, and we with you
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Micro just wanted to say this since i like new ball clans, i am in {ball} and also dutch.
Hey hoe gaat het? Veel plezier in {arr}. |
Dankje. :P
Member count is now up to 7. We are looking for 2-3 more players to fill our ranks for the time being. A skilled Explodet pilot would be a nice addition and one or two fast planes who handle the ball well. Please contact us, {arr}Gemi or {arr}D4rt, in game if you are interested.
After getting our member count to 9-10 we will concentrate on team training and training matches against other clans. Once we've gotten the hang of our teamwork we will probably recruit a couple additional players before any future ball tournaments or leagues are held. We aren't aiming for a huge bunch of players as we want to keep a good team spirit (everyone knows everyone and all that), but more players always makes it easier to get players online when they are needed. On other matters, our servers have been extra popular today with two servers constantly full. I'll be adding one more server to make sure that players have enough slots to play. |
Nice Website. This Clan was obviously thought out, those clans usually make it. Good Luck Guys!
Who played for us in the {ball/*} vs. {arr} scrim?
Here's the screenshot:
I would love to train some more with {ball/*}, I really enjoyed it
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IMHO {aRR} is a good ball clan. Always fun and a challenge to play against. I love the work you've done with the website
![]() P.S. I think Sunaku's best palne is a biplane. |
1. miranda (scary good)
2. bomber (deadly good) 3. biplane (still good) Just my 2 cents. |
In that case I prolly have caught u practicing with a biplane everytime 0=)
Meat shield reporting for duty !
I didn't know my plane was opened for a poll but hey, why not ![]() Gemi managed to kidnap Hagnot who's a great Miranda so we'll see what else we need. Anyway, thanks for the kind words mom... err, tgleaf . Last edited by Sunaku; 02-13-2010 at 05:48 AM. |
Called it.
Arrrr, i'm in for the treasure hunt, lets go and find ourselves some gold medals!
And thx for the flowers Sunaku ![]() |
can i join??
Okay, a new patch up: http://altitudegame.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2700
Please guys, if you want to get the Ace ranks, make sure that you will unlock any necessary planes and perks before any matches that might be upcoming. Currently this means that please unlock everything before next Saturday. As a guideline, it will probably take you about 20 hours of effective play to get everything, so keep that in mind. |
Active recruitment is currently closed. What this means is that anyone who we have invited to join earlier is still welcome to join us, if they so choose. New applications aren't considered except in very rare cases (a truly exceptional player wants to join, for example).
Member count is now 9 (well 10 actually, but one case is still in the middle of processing). We are now starting to work on our team work and schedule training matches against other groups. |
Even though recruitment was closed I have received numerous requests to join the clan. Thus we have opened a "training and recruitment" clan Arr friends {arf} for those who are interested in joining {arr}. Please see the first post for details and please contact me or D4rt in game if you are interested in joining {arf} and eventually {arr}.
Every clan needs a mascot.
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great thanks. Just have to find you in game now
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We have now had two random training sessions against {ball}. Sadly it's hard to get a good competitive ground for a EU vs US match due to ping problems. First training session was played on {arr} servers and the ping of the US based {ball} people didn't seem to disrupt play too much. Today however the ping caused playing be very bad for both teams as it made playing harder for them and caused a bunch of lag goals when they seemed to be in another place on our screen than where they really were. We tried a couple of US servers, but sadly the servers themselves were lagging, causing massive lag spikes to everyone, so no further maps were played. I hope we can find a suitable good US server at some point as our ping on the US servers is better than what the US players get on EU servers. (for some weird reason)
Screen shots of played maps can be found at http://gemi.nn.fi/arr/gallery.html. Looking forward to games with less lag problems soon enough! Also, other ball clans feel free to go for scrims against us. |
Maimer said that the ladder server has been upgraded so when it's up (it currently isn't) it should be less laggy than it was before. Hopefully it'll be good enough for you guys to play on it.
Still, even considering the lag, you guys were incredibly tough competition the other night. Look forward to getting some good matchups with you in the future ![]() |
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All clans interested in scrimmaging against us feel free to contact me in game. Tonight at 22GMT would be a nice time.
Against EU based clans we can play on the {arr} server, against US clans we can play either there or on the no-max-ping ladder server as the new ladder server isn't lagging. |
All members who haven't yet done so, please register on our forums. Also all members please read the new topics and respond to any schedule ones.
We (= Wolfey) are working on a new website and will most likely be making that one available within a week or two. With this website we might also offer other ball clans utility such as a personal forum for their members, etc. If any other ball clans are interested, feel free to keep in touch with me. |
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