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It's not really about the icons, it's not really even about the fact they cheated, it's about what they posted.
If you want to be a cheater go ahead but don't come on the forums and be all "There's no explicit rule against me farming bot goals on a non-port-forwarding server! Nyaahhhh!" |
Even if it isn't about the icons, it still shouldn't be doing this much damage to the community.
I think the reason so much drama has resulted from this is because 90% of the Altitude experience and the "fun factor" of Altitude (for me, at least) comes from ladder and competitive games (aka APL), which are played in private servers, and the people who own these servers and the people who have admin-ship in these servers have their own views and opinions on the whole issue, so it basically ends up being that if you want to play Altitude, you have to follow their rules. People who have that much power and control over a player's Altitude experience (i.e. Maimer, Kuja, Nobodyhome, all other admins of proleagues and ladders) need to remain neutral in situations like this and try to see things from both sides instead of going straight for that ban button because they're upset. If they had been neutral in this whole farming issue, the damage would have been minimized and this thread wouldn't exist right now. I am not attacking the admins nor am I defending those who have been banned. Just my thoughts. |
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There's more to it than semantics, Beagle. You can hate abuse and not hate abusers.
If so, the effect seems to be the exactly the same regarding how the abusers are treated.
Eth im listening but your not getting through. Wtf claiming innocence and all that bull, Everyone plus Luke know exactly how he did what he did. I mean i cant say that spending 10 hours or whatever it was farming goals and kills to get a pretty picture sounds like my idea of fun, but denying him the right to play for his team in, (for the moment) the only competitive league seems to me and apparantly a shed load of others a tad harsh.
I have been through all of this in my head so many times and getting a team of people together to start a new league is doable but really i would rather not as i have time for Evil who has put in so much of his free time to amongst others to create APL. My competitive Altitude experience has not come to an end yet, far from it but at the moment i cant justify registering my team to a league when my friends have fallen foul to a ban hammer. Justified? Well as said many many times it is the owner of a servers right to ban or unban whom he or she sees fit, but i am really surprised at how this emblem thing has transpired into actually tearing parts of the community apart. Sure i can see how some frown upon farming, hell i farmed my ass off when i first started playing on jeppew's server with all the turrets and what not, but i cant see that he shouldnt be able to represent his team. Such as life i dont expect to get along swimmingly with everyone but i would hope on issues that concern a collection of people or issues that affect the 'community' we could all sing from the same songsheet. Smoke me a kipper, i'll be back for breakfast. class |
Really? Hatred == Disappointment? Well, glad I'm not in your world, seems to be a dangerous place O_o Oh and uhm.. I'm pretty sure the most flaming was done by the abusers themselves, no? lol
This is interesting. This thread started about Stacks being sad he's leaving, and now everyone* is arguing about abusing the system or, well anything
![]() I guess if you want to convince him to stay, then your argument is valid, I just like pointing obvious stuff out ![]() Please don't attack me. *hyperbole, I know some people aren't arguing Edited:Forgot to say goodbye to Stacks meself! Cya and Good Luck! ![]() Last edited by Corvus Crypt; 02-20-2010 at 11:55 AM. Reason: missed the point |
When Luke did his botfarming, was it against the rules?
We all tried get as much xp as fast as possible. Only Luke played a lot more then some. So was that abuse, playing a lot against bots? If an update, thx admins for all the funstuff, has some unforseen side effects, we players can we be banned for using the tools we get? Its fixed now, botfarming is solved. Wasn't this the issue off this drama? Can't we just ban the drama and ALL play unbanned in cool servers. Even Luke and Stack. Shake hands and play Alti with a content smile on our faces? |
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Trust me I know, Maimer banned me once and when I apologized nicely for the pissy things I said, he undid it. But no instead Stack decided to post things like "Opinions are like ass holes. You may think it is retarded to set up a macro before leaving for work, I may think it is retarded to play Altitude for 14 hours a day. To each his own. Bull**** opinion you say? Now you know how I felt reading your BS opinions." Not really likely to get Maimer to undo his ban, and when he saw that he posted this "Goodbye Cruel World and FU Maimer For Ruining My Alti Experience" thread to try to stir enough drama to get people like you to do exactly what you are doing, try to force maimer through community pressure to undo his ban. If you want proof just look at how recently he's been active. He hasn't "left forever," he's following this thread. Stop buying into his stupid game. This thread is doing nothing constructive and should be closed pronto as should all "Leaving Foreevaaaaar" threads. Last edited by Sarah Palin; 02-21-2010 at 01:21 AM. |
opinions definately are like assholes it seems more and more.
Personally i'm still waiting for the rest of the bans, I see people with Ace 3/Ace 5 and I know they couldn't of got that legit but they still play ladder/APL. That is what i'm waiting for, an equal applying of this punishment to everyone who abused.
Last edited by CCN; 02-21-2010 at 05:44 AM. |
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i love caring too much about stupid things.
who cares if people farm bots? I farm noobs all day. Let dumb players be as dumb as they want. How are they affecting me if they spend 4 hours a day killing bots? |
Welcome to a fair portion of the community which however does not include the admins of the main played servers.
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Did you read Maimer's ridiculously long post on why abusing is bad? Or GGQs? You guys seem to just ignore everything we write and then assume this is something we take as a personal insult.. read please. |
Last edited by classicallad; 02-21-2010 at 01:01 PM. |
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I saw people at Rank3/5 Days ago. I'm more or less talking about the people who were rank 3/5 while you were still leveling through 2. Vesuvius comes to mind as a pertinent example. I also read his ridiculously long post. Abusing is bad, over reaction is also bad. The response, from my perspective, was "he stole from a super market, lets hang him." There was no balance of crime and effect. Yet you seem to think there was. If you have read all sides of the issue and still think what you did is justified then there will simply be this divide. I at least tried to understand the opposing view before disagreeing (even reading through the extremely irritating preachy posts). Can you say that you tried to see our side of the discussion? I can not believe certain individuals have, even if you have personally (only you would know). TL ![]() There doesn't seem to be a way to close this impasse without compromise and that doesn't seem forthcoming. So i'm personally going to try my best to avoid this subject and move on. I only come on anymore to play ladder and Scrims, and the lack of games recently has been disconcerting, so can people stop farming for levels and come play some ladd0r. Last edited by CCN; 02-21-2010 at 01:45 PM. |
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Here ya go, sorry about the lighting
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZPEwpfSJpU |
Nice no bull**** video. Hopefully the other guys who support sanctions (which I am a part of) will find a way to forgive you too. Gl with getting your bans lifted.
I really appreciated the video stack. I think most people were just looking for something like this. I feel like most of the people who were upset by the farming were upset based on the reaction of others and them not caring and not apologizing in the slightest.
Very mature video stack ![]() |
Didn't expect that.
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Nice, Stack. Don't know you, but I appreciate the honest video response. Well said.
*Starts a slow clap for stack*
I admit, I was angry at first, but all the drama has really made me stop caring. I'd love to have you back. |
Stack your not quitting, I love you to much, log on.
Stack that was way more constructive than what you posted a few days ago and way more effective in getting your POV across.
Thank you for what you said, especially that you know macroing is wrong and you're sorry and won't do it anymore. That video probably wasn't easy to make. I hope you're unbanned. I apologize for the mean things I said about you in this/other threads although I know I can't take my words back. |
Nowhere to play >_<
<3 |
i got a ban but it wasnt too long..
After the patch level reset I will unban you and the rest of the abusers from APL. Log on and blow up some planes.
edit: I expect more shout outs in any videos you make in the future, the fact you only mentioned my name once upset me ![]() |
STACKKKKKKKK come backkk
here is my 2 cents. I dont like disagreeing with eth cus his like my best butt buddy but id like to just say I think this whole issue is a bit silly. Its abusing the system yes, and thats always bad, but you gota look at the whole picture. You cant just brand these people as "abusers" and ban them for months or years lol. Im pretty sure in their mind, it was perfectly harmless and they just wanted new badges. Im willing to take a bet that the majority of the people dont really care that they farmed the badges. As far as i know cloud was experimenting with some methods too when it first came out. If when the patch came out, lam said you shouldnt farm bots or goals or whatever, then I would agree that it would be wrong to do. And im sure they wouldnt have done it if that was the case. But really tehre was no rule at all. Its not like because they are willing to farm bots to get some new badge they will also abuse the game to get an advantage over other players. If after all this, some guy still farm bots and **** peopel wouldnt care if they get banned. But these first few bans are way over the top and they are pretty much the scapegoat so others know not to do this. |
Umm Game...
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