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Wiki is up and empty so get to it!
Installed media wiki at http://nimblygames.com/wiki
A great example wiki and one that Altitude will strive to be like is http://www.dota-allstars.com/wiki/DAWiki:Main_Page My vision for what it should and will have someday is:
Any and all community help would be greatly appreciated. Last edited by Karl; 03-15-2009 at 12:51 AM. |
Let me be the first to say "wtf, how do I use this thing?"
I threw up the basic frame work for the links you specified. That way the links will direct to "blank" pages that people can begin to edit. Hopefully someone else can come along and fix it up nice.
It looks like the users can change any text on any page, but only the administrator can access the files to change the look of the pages. Logo, Background ect.
We can add the info, but it's up to karl to make it look good. Don't fail dude. |
If you know of some nice examples skins i can work off of that would be a great help.
I was thinking we can use the images from the main altitude page (http://www.altitudegame.com). The "ALTITUDE" pic with the planes can be at the top and the background of the altitude page can be the background of the wiki page.
Like the dota page look. (http://www.dota-allstars.com/wiki/DAWiki:Main_Page) If all else fails, maybe lam's artist can hook it up. but that's all upto lam. Last edited by Dre__; 03-15-2009 at 11:36 PM. |
Imho, in the Altitude world, the planes (except the Miranda with the SF moves) obey some kind of (inertia and all that stuff) physics, them being the exception makes them sort of a wildcard, so they are gay per def.
Ok, I added a whole buch of stuff to the wiki page. Perks, plane info, map editing.
Still empty as hell, all of you post some god damn strategies! add anything |
http://www.dokuwiki.org/template |
We need a logo. I have the old Altitude logo and once I get home I can find it on my home computer.
So basically it looks like whoever the admin is will have to edit the CSS files to get to most of the stuff that modifies the layout of the page.
I updated the Biplane page and the Biplane's Game Play Modes page. Let me know if this is the initial direction you want to go in with this thing. I will eventually do the rest of the planes if you want me to as I have read the information from them that was posted by someone and it's pretty much all outdated. (The first line about the bomber talks about not being able to fire forward and the Loopy talks about Woodstock.)
Also I'm probably going to put the red perks under their respective planes since primary/secondary weapons completely change when you change red perks. |
In that case we can probably just combine the "Game Play Modes" with the "Red Perks" otherwise it will be redundant. I will do that soon.
Okay, I did Miranda's pages as well. I have yet to do the "Play Strategies" Pages as I was hoping someone else could help write those. Also, I am getting my images by using the editor but for some reason it won't let me edit the perks of my planes in the editor so some of the perks I won't be able to get screen shots of unless you can tell me how to edit the perks in a test run of a map.
We can put together some high-quality perk/plane images from the original source -- if there's something like that just leave a TODO: high-quality image. Just focus on in-game type images. Great work btw
I need some people to read and either edit or add to what I already wrote. Need more people to get involved. Also, Karl, would you rather have all the Green Perks on one page instead each perk on its own page? I could just set it up so that the individual links just go to their respective anchors on the main page. |
You're doing good work -- I will definitely go through everything and clean it up, fill in missing bits, etc this weekend. I know a few others will do the same. Getting the ball rolling is really key, and makes everyone else's contributions that much easier and more satisfying. Thanks!
someone needs to add places for discriptions for things like bases, ace bars, turrets, ect.
Any more news on this?
We're working on skinning it, but we haven't had a chance to go through and edit it yet. I'll do a round of editing after we push out the next patch.
it's probably cause you're logged into the wiki and your default skin is set to the non standard default skin of altitude.
click "my preferences" and then change your skin to altitude. |
main page is broken in IE 7 (works in firefox and opera).
i'll look at it more later when i get a chance... I dont know wiki code though so when i glanced at it i didnt know what was going on o_O. |
From what I have read you shouldn't have to change it in your preferences, just like when I go to that other wiki site you recommended it doesn't require me to change any settings. There must be a way to set this skin as the default without having the user do it.
Okay, I checked out the skin, looks really nice and works fine with Safari. Would be nice so was set as the default skin for people who go to the site. Also, if you want I can go back and update those images for the time being so that they have the same background color as the page theme. However, I know you said you wanted to pull images from the source code, so if you don't want me to bother then I won't. Last edited by nesnl; 03-24-2009 at 02:15 AM. |
dont bother too much w/ images (place holder images are fine) but I will put up real images when i get around to it. |
I noticed that you switched the main page over from wiki code to html and there are two reasons that I would not do this. First, wiki isn't designed with html code and overtime they slowly phase out different parts of the html code. So if you have the whole thing in html you could log in one day and it could be totally broken. Second, wiki code is designed towards the ease of editing. Whether you typed it or the program automatically put it in, there is a message on the main page that says "highly recommended to use an editor to edit this page." The html code is going to create the problem that people won't know how to edit it while the wiki code is fairly simple to look at and know how to edit it successfully. If you want I can go back and redo the wiki code from the main page that you redid with html and take out all the unnecessary code (some of it is no longer needed since you skinned the wiki).
meh we could argue this back and forth all day long but here it is in a nutshell
Just bumping this thread because there really hasn't been much addition to the wiki since Karl updated the skin. I assume Karl/Lam are still looking for people to get involved and add to the wiki. Obviously in the Beta things are changing with each successive patch and things need to be updated. It is too much for one or only a few people to handle, so the more people the better.
Keep posting your ideas/thoughts here as well! |
Just a small thing, but wiki.altitudegame.com directs to a page that says "under development." Seems like it should redirect to the wiki main page.
Is there anyway the developers could add data about the planes such as HP, damage, speed I know a lot of people are curious about this.