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Then let me ask you this Ajuk why do you have the "fun" and "random" scrim as you so call it under "OFFICIAL SCRIMAGE RECORD" on your home page. What are you trying to prove here if you say it was fun and random then why are you counting it as "official" on your home page... By the way I dont know why Matrin left but other members were either getting kicked due to internet connection (sparta) or had to leave because it was getting really late and we had already been on alti for 4 hours before for 2 scrims and a 1dm tournament... I dont care if it was your first scrim why can't you just take it off your "OFFICIAL SCRIMAGE RECORD" list, since its not one, and if you want it back play us in a scrim where its a 6v6 game of ICE only members and AH only members where people arent randomly jumping in... and if you win you can put it back on the "OFFICIAL SCRIMAGE RECORD" okay... Ajuk I'm not gonna keep arguing with you because I have a paper to write thats due today at 7...
Usually when people use quotation marks, they are quoting something. In this case I am quoting your remarks earlier:
And yes I would like another scrim. Post the dates here. |
First take down the scrim from your OFFICIAL SCRIM RECORDS and if you want to setup a date do it with Matrin you know I'm not the captain... more like the spokesperson for ICE lol....
Quotes from SL3 Website
And other random quotes about AH Quote:
Last edited by Ajuk999; 01-03-2011 at 05:56 PM. |
Yandrak has a forums account, but his old name was WillowEsp1 so could you link him aswell on the roster please! By the way it would be good if everyone had a forums account so they stay informed. Cya -Dem |
Okay. Make sure everyone introduces themselves at the Introduction Thread. I would like to link to their Introduction Statements. Also I am going to be cleaning the roster...soon.
Last edited by Ajuk999; 05-12-2010 at 05:50 PM. Reason: ****** typos |
Thoughts on the new banner ?
EDIT: My internet is back in action. We got some scrims to do ACES, let's smother them with the HIGH power! |
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New Banner We have {Ball} , {ICE}, and tvo///, and {arr} that want to scrim with us. I would like to do it sometime tomorrow, preferably 4 PM EST. So make sure your on guys, tmic is always on, so the only problem that could occur with tvo, is AH not being on. Current On Trail: Zana Hollywood Butterfly |
Hey ajuk, could it maybe be at 5 pm EST? I probably will not be home until 3:45 CST my time or so. There is no way I could make it at 4 pm EST.
Sure. That would be 2 PM California time so no problem.
Ok thanks
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Guys Welcome Butters!
Welcome aboard dude!
Scrims: Uh uh what?? Scrims? when? At 1 pm CET I'm invited a friend's, so I probably won't be on much during the day...But if I get it right, there is a crim at 5 pm EST? That would make it 10 pm for me, so I would be able to play that. Who is it against? |
Schedule scrims please,
i can play every day ti'll 6PM EST - 8PM EST |
We are playing against ball.
To quote the great tgleaf, whom we are playing against. Quote:
PST: 2 PM We will organize better... tvo, and ICe still haven't responded... |
That's fine with me, i will talk with my team and see about the times. I think weekends may be best becuase of the times, but tell me when your scrimmages with tv0, ball are over so we can get a scrimmage going to.
ICE v AH -XX2 |
Let's do it now.
I hope you guys will enjoy this - our great theme song played on the divine instrument.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rgggp...eature=related you might also like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jgoml...eature=related Last edited by Demuyt; 05-13-2010 at 07:48 PM. |
Nice Demuyt. Also guys, check out my new Vimeo channel. That is were I will post all of our matches and scrims, etc. I will let you know when I post a scrim video, so you don't have to keep checking.
Please tell me what you think about my first video. ![]() |
This is what I think.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7khdqh5_6w ![]() I like your video. Especially the part where you kill Tote. Last edited by Demuyt; 05-13-2010 at 07:54 PM. |
Nice Video Demuyt, mind If I add it to my channel, with of course credits to you ?
Don't forget to boast about our clan! |
Great job ajuk, I would rather you post videos to that page instead of the AH website to save some much needed space for later
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Guys we lost terribly today against tvo/// and {Ball}
But you know what, if it were not for the scrims today, we wouldn't have had to work harder. Now that we know we aren't doing to good, we will work harder to be good. It was our first match against Professional teams. However, they have woken up the Sleeping Giant. There are 15 AH members, we will from now on work hard to become excellent ball players. So in those regards, thanks to the teams of tvo/// and {ball} for making us mad at our skills, we will do better next time. So train, train, train, and train. We will not accept any more members, it is pretty clear who the ACES are, we will not fail again, we will raise to the top, and one day when we return, our name will be known for the best ball clan. And in order for something or someone to succeed, they must fail. I am sure most of the Altitude clans have failed, so there is nothing to be mad about. Just work harder, don't play tbd, play ball. Don't be down team. It is good to know that we will work harder though. RAISE THE ACES! |
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Work on that Team. |
{ball} VS AH : 3 games to zero
///tVo VS AH : 3 games to zero Yeah well, GGs. We need to improve a lot before playing more scrims though. Also, everyone get Mumble please. http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ It is important to be able and communicate during matches. I would also recommend having a training day. What about saturday? Give us your times here. I hope what happened tonight will help us to get better as we need to work on our defense and passing. Last edited by Demuyt; 05-13-2010 at 11:39 PM. |
I thought we only played tvo/// 2 games?
Guys, we also need to know who plays what plane. I will put up a thread on this on the Aces High webstie (which I might add MANY of you have not even signed up on it yet.) Please do that asap. Thanks.
TheGenesis |
Uh, my memory gets better every day.
Can someone explain me how to sign up for that website with a working email adress? Every time i try to join, it reads "invalid email adress"
I agree, I must also say that for what ever reason a player leaves suddenly after a loss, everyone calls it rage quitting. I absolutely think that this type of behavior will bring us more problems then a loss will. Our attitudes are being watched closely by other players and clans. In my experience ( over 1400 hrs of game play ) I have noticed that when another team even has a thought that a new team may become remotely good or competitive, they team chat and heckle a good player asking them why they are on that team ( I saw that today ), or they simply try to recruit them to improve their clan. Lets not fall prey to this Game that they play all too often. I think we need to practice together more as a clan before we take on any official or non official scrimmages.
A loss is a loss, and like you said, we needed that, to show us just how much we need to work on things. Exodus |
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TheGenesis |
Good Points Sky.
Guys whenever you get on the game, go to a ball game and practice as hard as possible. And remember, shoot and kill as if it were ffa, don't just go after the ball. That's what most players do in Public ball, and they lose. But if you follow tgleaf's advice, I am sure we will do a lot better. And greek, I will put on the roster what each played specializes in. Please post your plane here. |
Great! Thanks
#1 Whale #2 Bomber #3 BI Plane heavy Cannon
I don't get it...What do you mean?
lol demuyt we didnt win any of the games when we played ball and tvo.
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Now, if a player from an established clan (e.g. {arr}, {ball}, or tV0) is recruited by another clan, I think that's fair game. We have enough strong players -- not bragging, but it is a fact -- that one or two people switching clans isn't going to bring us to our knees. |
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