The Water Cooler Discuss unrelated topics. Keep it clean. Keep it nice. |
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Top 5 Player of Each Plane or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the CircleJerk
These threads provide too many lolz to not have one, here is mine to give an example of the format:
Loopy: 1 WolfeCaptain 2 Thirsty McDrinkerton 3 Other 4 Other 5 Other Bomber: 1 Redshift/Ingbo/Void 2 Other 3 Other 4 Other 5 Other Explodet: 1 Kuja900 2 PROfessional 3 Pincer 4 Athena 5 Natural Biplane: 1 Beagle 2 Bagle 3 Other 4 Other 5 Other 43 Tyr Miranda: 1 Ingbo 2 Tmic 3 Other 4 Other 5 Sinstar Last edited by Kuja900; 06-28-2010 at 08:08 PM. |
Can't keep a good thread down, huh?
I dont understand why locking the other thread.
Now kuja has created the same thing except worse. |
You mean a thousand times better
I locked the other thread because it had been four months since the last post, because the conversation seemed to be going nowhere quickly, and because there is another, newer thread about the best players in Altitude that is already active.
Last edited by tgleaf; 06-28-2010 at 08:18 PM. |
Isn't the water cooler supposed to be a bit that way ?
That thread wasn't different of every other thread in here. |
If you had to close one you shouldve closed the one with less content and inferior posting imo
like this thread we are discussing about it right now?
I was clearly referencing the other 2 threads and this one is not even an hour old give it a chance lol
maybe this is a new thread for new trolls to begin their carreer:
I feel like this is relevant:
http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/06/st_essay_tweet/ One quote to sum it up: Social networking tends to create self-reinforcing spirals of reciprocal kindness. So: The internet is one big circle jerk. You can't get past it, t-gleaf. |
"The community is not mature enough for threads like these lol"
whoever said that was a genius |
Too true, too true.
I bumped the other one thread because Control's thread was going nowhere. At least in this one, we jack each other off.
(jacks sins off)
Am I doin it rite? |
You have two hands don't be redundant
Yes, yes you are. :3
I'll make a list in a bit. |
what in the **** do you mean "too true"?
you made this thread |
I don't quite get the point of having "other" for your spots. Also why not make your numbers where you list 3 people at once fill up those other spots?
I mean don't get me wrong I think "other" is a great player - but I really feel you should broaden your horizon's on the other players of altitude. Furthermore, how come you limit it to those 5 planes? Why not the minerva or flippy? Why are we even limiting it to planes? Why not make "worst lagger" or "best reverse user"? |
In no order, and only consisting of active players. Also, you can only be in 1 category.
Loopy: 1 WolfeCaptain 2 Eth 3 Tiny 4 CCN 5 Lambchops Bomber: 1 Redshift 2 Andy 3 Void 4 Nips 5 Mav Explodet: 1 Kuja900 2 Maims 3 X 4 Mat 5 Storm Biplane: 1 Frenchman 2 Hurri 3 Aya 4 Eso 5 Vipr Miranda: 1 Mike 2 UFO 3 Ingbo 4 Cloud 5 Tmic Last edited by Evan20000; 06-29-2010 at 01:11 AM. |
1 Eth 2 Wolfe 3 Tiny 4 CCN 5 Not sure Bomber: 1 Redshift 2 Nip 3 Mav 4 Andy 5 Clap Explodet: 1 X 2 Maim 3 Kuja 4 Mata 5 Storm Biplane: 1 Tyr 2 Hurri 3 Eso 4 Aya 5 Vipr Miranda: 1 Mike 2 UFO 3 Ingbo 4 Sin 5 Cloud Imo in order. Feel free to rage. |
Isn't the idea of this thread to wank off as many people as possible?
k. I guess I'll make my list for the 3rd or 4th time :
Loopy: 1. Eth 2. Wolfe 3. Stoob 4. Tinayyyy 5. Bob Bomber: 1. Tyr 2. Nips 3. Vipr 4. Shifty 5. Demonpuppet Explodet: 1. Mat 2. X 3. Shades 4. Tejas 5. Woken Biplane: 1. Pillars 2. Tyr 3. Eso 4. Bagle 5. Protest Miranda: 1. Fo 2. Mikey 3. Sins 4. Cloud 5. Ingbo I win! |
I'm doing mine with ball in mind hey girl heyyy
Loopy: 1 Brillo 2 a frail old lady 3 Void 4 drunkguava 5 MJ Bomber: 1 elixir 2 Maverick 3 Nikon 4 Clapon 5 Explodet: 1 O.o 2 apathy 3 goose 4 matattack 5 kuja Biplane: 1 Esoteric 2 powerwheels 3 genesis 4 sunaku 5 Miranda: 1 tmic 2 ufo 3 pinkshift 4 lekai 5 I can't think of anyone else. **** itttt |
<3 Pillars it's actually him who more or less made me playing recoilless. ^^ |
i love how absolutely no one will ever put me top 5 biplane even though its totally clear that i'm like top 2. gg!!!
its not a top 5, its more of a best players for each perk or plane depending on what i felt was better (randas all have completely different playstyle and biplanes HC and non-HC are very different) and i expanded explo since 5 nominations werent enough. I mainly nominated players that are annoying to have against when using certain setups, thats the reason i only have 4 bombers on the list but have 7 explos.
Loopy: 1. Eth 2. WCaptainWolfeG 3. Andy 4. Tiny 5. Flight666 Bomber: 1. Tyr 2. Esoteric 3. Nipple 4. Mled Explodet: 1. Matattack 2. X 3. Nathor 4. Storm 5. Maimer 6. Esoteric 7. Kuja900 Biplane: Non-HC: 1. MONXY FIST 2. Tyr 3. Vipr HC: 1. Esoteric 2. Hurripilot 3. Maimer Sniplane: 1-127. Beagle and only him Miranda: Trickster: 1. Cloud 2. UFO 3. Sins Laser: 1. Cloud 2. Andy 3. Ingbo Anchor: 1. Mikesol 2. Mikesol 67.Someone else Overall players: 1. Eth 2. Zidane 3. Maimer 4. Gameguard 5. Esoteric these are in order, its late i will check tomorrow if this post makes sense otherwise sorry... Last edited by andy; 06-29-2010 at 04:05 AM. |
Good list elixir very accurate imo
Last edited by CCN; 06-29-2010 at 06:23 PM. |
(10chars) |
ok before all the ball players start dick-riding brillo, he wanted me to tell you all that im better than him. k?
i wanted me to tell you that i am a ****ing talent evaluating prodigy |
I will do a ball version like elixir as well:
Loopy: 1-Brillo 2-Void 3-D4rt 4-Guava 5-Palin Bomber: 1-Clapon 2-Void 3-Nikon 4-Elixir 5-O.o Explodet: 1-The APAthy 2-Wok3n 3-Radium 4-O.o 5-drunkguava Biplane: 1-O.o 2-Genesis 3-Powerwheels 4-OJM 5-Sunaku Miranda: 1-tmic 2-Tominator 3-UFO 4-Zana 5-X_Cookie |
lol goose your bad... what about VAL RAD SPARK TGLEAF and oh so many more...
Guys, Palin brings a unique element to the loopy position that very few others do in a ball match. He excels as an acid loopy, and is an excellent support player to have on your team. A combination of Palin as acid loopy + a good explodet player gives your team an excellent advantage to win any map.
www.altitudeladder.net/profile.php?id=50 Ball rank- 521.... |
I'll make a ball one as well.
Loopy 1.Brillo 2.Val 3.Radium 4.tgleaf 5.gwava Bomber 1.Nikon/Clapon 2.Clapon/Nikon 3.Elixir 4.Void 5.Anghell Explo 1.Guava 2.Goose 3.Apathy 4.Radium 5.Woken Biplane 1.Eso 2.O.o 3.Sunaku 4.arty 5.Ojm Randa 1.tmic 2.Radium 3.UFO 4.Mana 5.Blln Last edited by Radium; 06-29-2010 at 10:59 PM. |