worst idea ever.
I know going into this that you're going to destroy me, especially you vanilla leet gamer types.
But: Let's have totally random crits. My other guilty cartoon-game pleasure, TF2, has the capacity for this, and for non-serious pickup play I've always liked it. Anyway, the blindfold's on and I'm ready for the pounding. --echo |
Qu'est que c'est? |
I don't understand if you yourself think this is a bad idea why post it?
As far as i can see the majority of you yourself, (lol) posts are a bad idea.
By CRITS do you mean Chalk River Injector Test Stands?
You can kill an enemy in less than a second, why do u want crits?
critical strikes? i mean, i like the idea, but that'd be a red perk or something for all planes i guess or blue, cuz it would weakn ur damage a bit, but hit harder for like 15% of the time, idk sounds pretty cool, |
So Acid = Jarate, right?
So in a sense we already have minicrits. |
Then like, you could add a green perk to the game that reduces your chance to be critically hit. Let's call it "resilience."
Then you can have like, a blue perk that makes the green crit blocker less likely to block your crit. We can call it "Luck Capacitcharger"
I started to like the perk ideas you guys have posted, then I thought that Making Altitude More Complicated maybe isn't the best thing.
The acid=Jarate comment was aptly put, though. @Kuja900: I don't think it's a bad idea myself, I just know from time spent on the TF2 forums, and others, that the "Crits R NUb!!11" crowd is pretty vocal. Zombi said: Quote:
Again, I by no means mean to introduce this to organized/league play, but pubs is pubs. --echo |
i strongly prefer no-crit servers in tf2, and it would make me sad if they put crits in alti.
they just add something to get pissed about. every single time you got killed by a crit you would say to yourself 'F CRITS'. Even when I am on the lucky side and kill somebody with a crit where I should have lost the fight I don't feel good about it because I still lost in my head and just lucked the dude. |
If we get crits, it would necessitate "head shots" for biplanes too.
That's all I'm saying. |
OOH OOH and we could get random drops for hats err i mean airplane skins!
More like "Qu'est-ce que c'est ?".
I think I just schooled you. See what I did there ? School... teacher... nevermind |
im confused.
Well done, symmetry was definitely desirable there.
Allow me to chime in in the form of a Haiku:
redonkulous dood solves nonexistant problem worst idea ever |
a new color perk would be neat
Make dogfighter crit from behind, and HC crit when doing reverse fade shots
I got three words for this.
Fine, I knew it wouldn't happen anyway. ;(
So: hats? --echo (Always wanted a Stainless Steel Pot to go over my biplane's cockpit. That's how I fly them anyway.) /blind Last edited by Echo Mirage; 07-23-2010 at 02:09 AM. Reason: addendum |
Here are a few more, just for the lulz.
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Ha, sorry about that.