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Steve Jobs Troll Win
I wouldn't call that trolly. Like the article said, he was "curt". He's a busy guy. It's understandable.
Steve Jobs can say and do anything he wants - he knows he's the best.
BOYCOTT APPLE!!!! THOSE EMAILS ARE OUTRAGEOUS! I would NEVER do business with a man like that. EVER. I have principles.
Steve has made me give up my principles for the epic products =(
I love apple and use a Mac, but Steve Jobs is a a little too full of himself and in my opinion it's kinda clueless that he thinks apple products are too advanced for Flash and therefore Apple isn't giving things like the ipad the ability to use Flash.
Not to be a mac fanboy or anything - but it's not that he thinks apple products are too advanced for Flash - it's just that he thinks Flash is an unreliable piece of software that drains battery life. I have an iPad and I rarely find myself wanting to do anything that requires flash. Flash eats up a lot of the CPU, increases heat, and crashes more often than most other pieces of software. I usually leave flash off on my computer (and did before jobs made such a fuss about how horrible he thinks flash is). =X