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Suggestion : Shorten all bonuses respawn timers to 10 seconds on all ball maps.
Reasoning : First, as I barely play TBD, I'm not sure of the bonus impact there so feel free to add your views. For information, I haven't checked all official ball maps but most of them have a bonus respawn timer of 20-25 seconds right now. So it first occurred to me when playing the recent ball_asteroids, where Boko radically cut the timer to 10 seconds, and I think it works wonders. It adds more action, variety and fun to the game. Overall, I believe expanding it to all maps would improve the gameplay for three reasons: 1) Reducing the timer would provide more bonuses over time and thus reduce the luck factor related to the spawned bonus. The current timer of 20+ seconds is rather long compared to the pace of the ball game, where the action can shift from one side to the other in a couple of seconds. Sometimes, the outcome of the action is decided by the use of the right bonus at the right time. And while there is nothing wrong with skill making a difference, it kinda sucks when your skill is limited by the bonus you're given. For example, as of now, a well placed wall is often a game changer but if you happen to be on the wrong side of the wall, it's hard to counter appropriately when a healthpack spawned for you and you have to wait 20 more seconds for hopes of something more useful for your team. 2) As a consequence of 1), it would also allow teams to have more control and elaborate more strategies involving bonuses. If the timer is shortened, a team is more likely to have the desired bonus and will be able to pull more easily specific moves. 3) Who doesn't love to destroy others with bonuses, really ? There is always the danger of an overdose of bonuses, but after months experimenting on asteroids, I think 10 seconds is reasonable regarding the ball rhythm. Thoughts ? |
I'd definitely be open to trying it. There's nothing better than getting a perfectly placed wall.
I cut radically
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