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Old 11-28-2010, 11:20 PM
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Usa usa usa
Old 11-28-2010, 11:25 PM
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lol@title .
Old 11-28-2010, 11:25 PM
Evan20000 Evan20000 is offline
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There was much win to be had here. SSD has pics. And lol at fail title.

EDIT: Goddamnit Fu.
Old 11-28-2010, 11:32 PM
sunshineduck sunshineduck is offline
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Gentlemen, today we won the war against the oppression of those terrible European players playing in those awful European servers. Those conniving bastards decided to kick us out of their cute little captains game not because we were breaking rules, but because they thought it would be funny to kick out those "slow" Americans just wanting to play a fun game of ball.

They thought they were safe. They thought they were being funny. They thought their little joke wouldn't come back to bite them.

They were wrong.


Many flawless victoryments to the fallen members of this epic battle - Sinstar, eX, Solaris, and elixir. Thank you for your services.
Old 11-28-2010, 11:33 PM
Evan20000 Evan20000 is offline
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A pleasure serving with you fine gentlemen.
Old 11-28-2010, 11:35 PM
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Threads get locked and deleted, but my fellow trolls stay eternal.
Old 11-29-2010, 01:50 AM
Sunaku Sunaku is offline
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Originally Posted by sunshineduck View Post
not because we were breaking rules, but because they thought it would be funny to kick out those "slow" Americans just wanting to play a fun game of ball.
Exactly. Except not at all.
Give me 50cc of reality check, we're losing SSD again, quick!

First, to be fair, we were indeed playing and having fun in a great atmosphere. I'll give you that. Then, you joined the server.
And while you were all spectating and us playing, the first respectful step you decided to take is to vote kick one of your buddies, also spectating :
Originally Posted by Chat log
[00:00] (|Slutstar20K|) has called a vote to kick [FRO]Dragon.
For what reason ? Please, don't insult them by associating logic with their behavior.

Game ends, next game captains are being decided :
Originally Posted by Chat log spank
[00:04] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: donk and i for captains imo
[00:04] =TheSquid&theWhale=: spec peeps
So you just joined and you wanted to force your way into being captain. We said no. You didn't sit. You got kicked. We all hope you will one day have enough diapers to overcome that injustice.

Now, before asking SSD if being permanently wrong is a natural gift for him, I'd like the court to examine this final piece of evidence.
Being the reasonable and smart person you are, after getting kicked you decided to come back and plead your case in a creative, yet still respectful, way. Please watch closely, it's subtle.
Originally Posted by Chatlog Holmes
[00:18] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA USA USA
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] elixir: USA USA USA
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] elixir: USA USA USA
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] [Team] {arr}Sunaku: ty
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA USA USA
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] elixir: vv
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA USA USA
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] elixir: vv
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA USA USA
[00:18] elixir: vv
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] {arr}akkargutt: <3
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA USA USA
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] elixir: v
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] {arr} Wyrd: Permabans, cool.
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA USA USA
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA USA USA
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] (||)eX <D: **** y3aH Am3r1cA!!!!!!!!!!1111
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:18] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:18] (||)eX <D: v
[00:18] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:19] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:19] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA USA USA
[00:19] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:19] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:19] (|Slutstar20K|): USA! USA! USA!
[00:19] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:19] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:19] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA USA USA
[00:19] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:19] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:19] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA USA USA
[00:19] IL|Solaris: USA USA USA
[00:19] {arr}akkargutt: cuuuute
[00:19] [FRO]Dragon: Ta mere suce des ours dans la foret
[00:19] [FRO]Dragon: Ta mere suce des ours dans la foret
You have to appreciate the effort of insulting us in French. I must admit I'm a sucker for personalized outrage and it really moved me between two facepalms.

In the end, you said it yourself, I recognize we just wanted "to kick out those slow Americans". USA must be grateful to count you as its proud and fervent citizens. But more than USA, I think you paid a great tribute to this community.

PS : Bonus track, let's be completely fair and give credit to everybody.
Originally Posted by Chat Log of Doom
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: ASSGHOLES
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: sdf
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: a
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: sdfas
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: asdf
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: asdf
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: sdf
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: FASD/fasdfbadskjfad'F
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: asrDFGFbxcgdsdfD
[00:08] Acegunnah: fsedfw
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: dad
[00:08] Acegunnah: d
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: df
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: sdf
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: asd
[00:08] Acegunnah: dd
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: sdfa
[00:08] Acegunnah: dd
[00:08] [FRO]Dragon: asd
[00:09] Acegunnah: d
[00:09] [FRO]Dragon: sdf
[00:09] Acegunnah: d
[00:09] [FRO]Dragon: fasd
[00:09] [FRO]Dragon: sd
[00:09] Acegunnah: d
[00:09] Acegunnah: d
[00:09] Acegunnah: d
[00:09] Acegunnah: d
[00:09] Acegunnah: d
[00:09] Acegunnah: d
[00:09] Acegunnah: d
[00:09] Acegunnah: dd
[00:09] Acegunnah: dd
[00:09] Acegunnah: ddd
[00:09] {arr}akkargutt: cool
[00:09] Acegunnah: **** you guys
[00:09] {arr}skYp: -.-
[00:09] {arr} Wyrd: KICK time!
[00:09] {arr}Sunaku: maturity points
[00:09] {arr}akkargutt: hi
[00:09] {arr} Strzy {5}: this is awesome
[00:09] {arr}akkargutt: ban time
[00:09] {arr}akkargutt: this is great
[00:09] ///tVo.[:|NaBCaKE:]: good times
Old 11-29-2010, 01:59 AM
Evan20000 Evan20000 is offline
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>Implying Dragon was a victim and not laughing his ass off the whole time.
Old 11-29-2010, 02:01 AM
silent skies silent skies is offline
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This is probably why a lot of Americans pretend to be Canadian when they go abroad.
Old 11-29-2010, 02:02 AM
Evan20000 Evan20000 is offline
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Yes, likely. However, that long essay of a post is proof that the troll was sucessful.
Old 11-29-2010, 02:06 AM
silent skies silent skies is offline
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Originally Posted by Evan20000 View Post
Yes, likely. However, that long essay of a post is proof that the troll was sucessful.
And in true academic fashion, 80% of the essay is just quotes from other people.
Old 11-29-2010, 02:10 AM
Sunaku Sunaku is offline
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Originally Posted by Evan20000 View Post
Yes, likely. However, that long essay of a post is proof that the troll was sucessful.
You trolled me into pointing out your questionable intelligence. Man, have I been owned.

Originally Posted by silent skies View Post
And in true academic fashion, 80% of the essay is just quotes from other people.
Eh, you have to give credit where credit is due.
Old 11-29-2010, 02:17 AM
Evan20000 Evan20000 is offline
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Originally Posted by silent skies View Post
And in true academic fashion, 80% of the essay is just quotes from other people.
Oh how true.

Originally Posted by Sunaku View Post
You trolled me into pointing out your questionable intelligence. Man, have I been owned.
Why respond to people with "questionable intelligence" when you are so clearly above us puny mortals, oh lord Sunaku? The amount of effort you put into your post greatly exceeds the amount we put into mashing ctrl+v a few times, hence the troll wins. Not to mention the giddy, childish thrill we got out of it.
Old 11-29-2010, 02:21 AM
silent skies silent skies is offline
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Originally Posted by Sunaku View Post
Eh, you have to give credit where credit is due.
Oh, I know. Essays I've written in college are about 70% quoted material, 20% me explaining what the quotes are about, and 10% (at most) my original thoughts; this is how I was taught to do it.
Old 11-29-2010, 02:33 AM
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Originally Posted by silent skies View Post
Oh, I know. Essays I've written in college are about 70% quoted material, 20% me explaining what the quotes are about, and 10% (at most) my original thoughts; this is how I was taught to do it.
Hmmm an excellent way to write essays. I might use this method depending on what grades you recieved using this format?
Old 11-29-2010, 02:37 AM
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A or A+, usually. Finding the quotes is usually more work than writing the essay :/
Old 11-29-2010, 03:10 AM
sunshineduck sunshineduck is offline
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Originally Posted by Sunaku View Post
Game ends, next game captains are being decided :

So you just joined and you wanted to force your way into being captain. We said no. You didn't sit. You got kicked. We all hope you will one day have enough diapers to overcome that injustice.

[18:04] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: donk and i for captains imo
[18:04] =TheSquid&theWhale=: spec peeps

did indeed happen

and then Dragon got kicked (presumably for not spectating), after which I subsequently asked

[18:04] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: was that a warning shot

and then spectated

and then Acegunner got kicked. Sinstar attempted to crash on the trampoline, failed, eventually flopped onto the ground, died, and spectated. He was kicked anyways.

[18:05] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: are you just kicking all the US players
[18:05] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: that is so racist

I was subsequently kicked. eX was left untouched, presumably because nobody knows where he's from.

[18:05] You whisper to (||)eX <D: wait
[18:05] You whisper to (||)eX <D: you're in the US
[18:06] You whisper to (||)eX <D: how come you're not kicked
[18:06] (||)eX <D whispers: sshhh
[18:06] You whisper to (||)eX <D: so are they making fun of all those USA players now
[18:06] (||)eX <D whispers: ya
[18:06] (||)eX <D whispers: apparently we're slow
[18:06] You whisper to (||)eX <D: trolled
[18:06] (||)eX <D whispers: and wanna pick teams inb4 usa comes back
[18:07] You whisper to (||)eX <D: lawl
[18:07] You whisper to (||)eX <D: and people wonder why we rag on euro countries all the ****ing time
[18:07] (||)eX <D whispers: lol
[18:07] (||)eX <D whispers: euros are always on their high horses

after two minutes, I return to the server.

[18:08] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: i demand reparations for my unjust banningments
[18:08] {arr} Strzy {5}: dont think you are in a demand situation
[18:08] [Team] Acegunnah: wjy was i banneed
[18:08] Acegunnah: im here
[18:08] =TheSquid&theWhale=: u can take it up with the international court of justice
[18:08] {arr} Wyrd: Oh wait, US don't recognise international court of justice.

hilarious, amirite?

the game starts after a brief interval in which Dragon and Acegunner pop in to spam the server and get kicked. during this time we organized this half-patriotic half-assed spam attack that was all in good fun.

apologies to any fellow americans that suffer from the setbacks that this may cause you in future interactions with players from other countries, it was a spur of the moment thing that arose from what we felt was an unjust removal from a server for a reason that we thought shouldn't have been a viable excuse.

Old 11-29-2010, 03:19 AM
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@SSD: I'm not sure your quotes prove what you want them to prove.

Originally Posted by Evan20000 View Post
Why respond to people with "questionable intelligence" when you are so clearly above us puny mortals, oh lord Sunaku? The amount of effort you put into your post greatly exceeds the amount we put into mashing ctrl+v a few times, hence the troll wins. Not to mention the giddy, childish thrill we got out of it.
I'm not as much responding to you as I'm exposing you. There is a difference between what appears as little forum trolling, which I couldn't care less about, and the unwarranted harrassment that happened. While being childish in the Water Cooler is acceptable, being complete morons in-game -- by spitting on the people (=Air=) running one of the best servers in the community -- is not. In that aspect, I feel your screenshot was incomplete and needed development to show your true colors.
It's particularly interesting to picture the true behavior of people who are ladder admins, or to know what attitude your respective clans endorse. If it can help in taking out the trash in the community, then the relative effort of exposing your fallacies is certainly well spent.
But of course, there will always be people who interpret taking a slap in the face as successful trolling.

Originally Posted by silent skies View Post
Oh, I know. Essays I've written in college are about 70% quoted material, 20% me explaining what the quotes are about, and 10% (at most) my original thoughts; this is how I was taught to do it.
Yeah I agree, long live Wikipedia! *ahem*

Last edited by Sunaku; 11-29-2010 at 03:23 AM.
Old 11-29-2010, 03:52 AM
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Old 11-29-2010, 04:48 AM
SPeciaL SPeciaL is offline
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Please don't EVER do this again on our =AIR= Private Server (spamming chat), or you'll really be banned. Yes I said ban.
Old 11-29-2010, 04:56 AM
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Originally Posted by sunshineduck View Post
Today we won the war against the oppression of those terrible European players playing in those awful European servers. Those conniving bastards decided to kick us out of their cute little captains game not because we were breaking rules, but because they thought it would be funny to kick out those "slow" Americans just wanting to play a fun game of ball.
You guys broke rules. By spamming USA USA USA. For the words to the European (terrible, awful, conniving bastards etc), you're banned. At least a month (release only if scrims or important time).

Last edited by SPeciaL; 11-29-2010 at 04:58 AM.
Old 11-29-2010, 05:40 AM
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=D twas a good laugh
Old 11-29-2010, 12:16 PM
Evan20000 Evan20000 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sunaku View Post
I'm not as much responding to you as I'm exposing you. There is a difference between what appears as little forum trolling, which I couldn't care less about, and the unwarranted harrassment that happened. While being childish in the Water Cooler is acceptable, being complete morons in-game -- by spitting on the people (=Air=) running one of the best servers in the community -- is not. In that aspect, I feel your screenshot was incomplete and needed development to show your true colors.
It's particularly interesting to picture the true behavior of people who are ladder admins, or to know what attitude your respective clans endorse. If it can help in taking out the trash in the community, then the relative effort of exposing your fallacies is certainly well spent.
But of course, there will always be people who interpret taking a slap in the face as successful trolling.
But all this implies we were attempting to hide it. Quite the contrary, we didn't deny anything you posted at all. I doubt we (I can't speak for all of us...) had any real ill will when getting our immature thrill. Aside from inconveniencing you for 2-3 seconds (in between goals may I add), was any real damage done?

Special: We were expecting to be banned just for spamming the chat. And you misunderstood SSD. He meant we hadn't broken any rules before you initially kicked us. Then we came back and laughed at you by spamming USA. Then you (rightly) kicked us again.

eX: Indeed it was. I regret nothing.
Old 11-29-2010, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by SPeciaL View Post
You guys broke rules. By spamming USA USA USA. For the words to the European (terrible, awful, conniving bastards etc), you're banned. At least a month (release only if scrims or important time).
I'm more for no release till the time is due. I don't care if it's a scrim or any other important match, if it is played on =AIR= Private Server those who are banned deal with the consequences of what they have done. If their team is weakened by their absence, that's not my problem, maybe they'll learn to think twice next time they are recruiting.
Old 11-29-2010, 12:34 PM
MintzMachete MintzMachete is offline
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Originally Posted by SPeciaL View Post
You guys broke rules. By spamming USA USA USA. For the words to the European (terrible, awful, conniving bastards etc), you're banned. At least a month (release only if scrims or important time).
SSD was controlled by Kim Jung Il. Clearly.

By banning these upstanding citizens and fine players, may I add, you are splitting this community upon country lines.

Nothing they said (terrible,bastards, etc...) could not be said in a second grade classroom.

THEREFORE, In the words of Joe Wilson.

I leave you with one final thought, comrade.

And yes, this is trololol
Old 11-29-2010, 12:46 PM
Evan20000 Evan20000 is offline
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Judging by the replies of some of the Air players (and possibly Sunaku, but I will give him credit for at least interacting with us on the issue) in this thread, I think it is safe to say that you have missed the point ENTIRELY. After very clear discrimination against Americans (shown by you kicking us despite already being spectated.) Some of us were understandably annoyed (Personally, I was more amused than anything, but that's not the issue right now..). We decided to respond playfully and childishly instead of going into the Arr and Air threads spouting posts about you guys being discriminatory/racist/[insert loaded language here] and causing A+ grade forum drama. I don't understand how you still see this as a "we're right and did nothing wrong" sort of thing.
Old 11-29-2010, 01:42 PM
mlopes mlopes is offline
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Originally Posted by Evan20000 View Post
Judging by the replies of some of the Air players (and possibly Sunaku, but I will give him credit for at least interacting with us on the issue) in this thread, I think it is safe to say that you have missed the point ENTIRELY. After very clear discrimination against Americans (shown by you kicking us despite already being spectated.) Some of us were understandably annoyed (Personally, I was more amused than anything, but that's not the issue right now..). We decided to respond playfully and childishly instead of going into the Arr and Air threads spouting posts about you guys being discriminatory/racist/[insert loaded language here] and causing A+ grade forum drama. I don't understand how you still see this as a "we're right and did nothing wrong" sort of thing.
tl;dr c|_|

I don't care about smoke and mirrors or if you think you were discriminated and decided to discriminate back. The server is a place to play altitude ball games, anyone that engages in any other activity other than that and ends up screwing up a game, should be kicked. Anyone who insists on doing so, gets baned.

Btw, you seem to be putting a lot more effort on trolling than what we had to put on the bans.

Last edited by mlopes; 11-29-2010 at 02:22 PM.
Old 11-29-2010, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by acegunner View Post
Old 11-29-2010, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by mlopes View Post

I don't care about smoke and mirrors or if you think you were discriminated and decided to discriminate back. The server is a place to play altitude ball games, anyone that engages in any other activity other than that and ends up screwing up a game, should be kicked. Anyone who insists on doing so, gets baned.

Btw, you seem to be putting a lot more effort on trolling than what we had to put on the bans.
too ignorant;didn't read

Old 11-29-2010, 02:47 PM
mikesol mikesol is offline
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While I don't condone the act of spamming the message usa usa usa - it seems like it was just something done for giggles and didn't harbor any ill intentions. Sure you have the right to permanently ban spammers or for that matter, anyone at all. It is your private server. If it makes you feel better raging at them and banning them - more power to you.

However, realize that all of the players who were spamming probably don't care. Also realize that kicking people arbitrarily can result in behavior that you don't like. Pretending to be all high and mighty after unfair kicks to begin with seems kind of silly to me.

Of course I wasn't there and I don't really know whether the kicks were unfair to begin with. From the chat logs it seemed they were - but everyone tends to hide half of the log to make themselves look better.

Edit: reread this and I wanted to make it clear I would have done the same thing that the admins did after the players spammed. Just because I think the original kick seemed to be unwarranted doesn't mean I think that people should be let off the hook when they're trolling.

Last edited by mikesol; 11-29-2010 at 03:56 PM.
Old 11-29-2010, 02:50 PM
Mt.Vesuvius Mt.Vesuvius is offline
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I liked wyrd's response to SSD
Old 11-29-2010, 04:17 PM
Evan20000 Evan20000 is offline
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Originally Posted by mikesol View Post
While I don't condone the act of spamming the message usa usa usa - it seems like it was just something done for giggles and didn't harbor any ill intentions. Sure you have the right to permanently ban spammers or for that matter, anyone at all. It is your private server. If it makes you feel better raging at them and banning them - more power to you.

However, realize that all of the players who were spamming probably don't care. Also realize that kicking people arbitrarily can result in behavior that you don't like. Pretending to be all high and mighty after unfair kicks to begin with seems kind of silly to me.

Of course I wasn't there and I don't really know whether the kicks were unfair to begin with. From the chat logs it seemed they were - but everyone tends to hide half of the log to make themselves look better.

Edit: reread this and I wanted to make it clear I would have done the same thing that the admins did after the players spammed. Just because I think the original kick seemed to be unwarranted doesn't mean I think that people should be let off the hook when they're trolling.
Pretty much this. We knew going back into the server we would likely be perma-banned, but we had no desire to play there anyway because of the gross unfounded bias against Americans. Hell, if you look at the screenshot, you can see I saved them the trouble and just left.
Old 11-29-2010, 04:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Evan20000 View Post
Aside from inconveniencing you for 2-3 seconds (in between goals may I add), was any real damage done?
Your endless spam quoted above clearly shows it only took place for 2-3 seconds, sure. If you hadn't been finally banned, you may very well be still copy-pasting like monkeys right now. And if you're gonna argue it's ok because no one ended up bleeding over the internet, you'll have more credibility with the Chewbacca defense.

Originally Posted by Evan20000 View Post
But all this implies we were attempting to hide it.
Do I really need to quote my very post you must have read, as you're answering to it ? Me : "In that aspect, I feel your screenshot was incomplete and needed development to show your true colors."
So much for the hiding assumption. And judging by your posts, I stand by my statement. You're still trying to disguise yourselves as discriminated victims, which would somehow justify your behavior. Tough luck, it didn't go that way.

Unfair kicks you say?
First, right after you people joined the server, you launch a vote kick for no reason, hence annoying everyone.
Second, SSD starts spamming the log. It was short enough to not warrant a kick, but long enough to be annoying :
Originally Posted by Stop hiding half the truth, chat log!
[00:03] [Server] Balance Teams Complete
[00:03] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA
[00:03] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA
[00:04] [FRO]&sunshineduck&: USA
You got to wonder who brought the attention on Americans in the first place, eh ?
Third, you don't spec when you're asked to. In captains game, some people might consider it, once again, annoying. So you're kicked, congratulations, trolling accomplished.

For info, Donk was first kicked too because he didn't spec, but then came back and acted as a sensible person, and we had no problem playing with him. So if there ever was a clear discrimination there, it was surely a discrimination against stupidity.

Of course, someone acting as you did wouldn't care about being banned. Again, I'm not arguing to make you come to reason, I don't expect you to show maturity anytime soon. What I'm doing is putting your lies into light and showing that you don't care about respecting others altogether.
Old 11-29-2010, 04:33 PM
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we've got a live one!
Old 11-29-2010, 04:48 PM
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Just one more information I just learned. The kickings were made by an American =AIR= member.

So much for the lame anti-american excuse.

Do the kicks and kick author appear on the chat log? If so, can someone please post it here?
Old 11-29-2010, 05:03 PM
Evan20000 Evan20000 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sunaku View Post
Your endless spam quoted above clearly shows it only took place for 2-3 seconds, sure. If you hadn't been finally banned, you may very well be still copy-pasting like monkeys right now. And if you're gonna argue it's ok because no one ended up bleeding over the internet, you'll have more credibility with the Chewbacca defense.

As SSD's screeny clearly shows, I had left the server of my own accord, so that argument is completely non-existent. We came in for a cheap laugh and would likely all have left once we got it.

Do I really need to quote my very post you must have read, as you're answering to it ? Me : "In that aspect, I feel your screenshot was incomplete and needed development to show your true colors."
So much for the hiding assumption. And judging by your posts, I stand by my statement. You're still trying to disguise yourselves as discriminated victims, which would somehow justify your behavior. Tough luck, it didn't go that way.

Justify? Did you even read anything I've posted? I've admitted several times that what we did was childish and done just for a thrill. We felt wronged, knew we wouldn't be able to have an enjoyable time on those servers and decided to "go out with a bang". All I see in this thread from people on your side is a pretentious holier than thou attitude. If you truly cannot see the obvious case of cause and effect here, then we have nothing more to discuss.

Unfair kicks you say?
First, right after you people joined the server, you launch a vote kick for no reason, hence annoying everyone.

And here is where you assume too much. There was a reason, but you never investigated the spec chat. If I had said "hey admin, kick this guy. Reason: blahblahblah", can you honestly say that you would have? (Also, I did post a reason as I called the kick. I hope you read your fabled chatlog closely before jumping to stupid conclusions.) Besides it was all in good fun with Dragon, and I feel bad for you if pressing 5 is too much for you to handle without getting irritated.

Second, SSD starts spamming the log. It was short enough to not warrant a kick, but long enough to be annoying :

Fair enough.

You got to wonder who brought the attention on Americans in the first place, eh ?

Third, you don't spec when you're asked to. In captains game, some people might consider it, once again, annoying. So you're kicked, congratulations, trolling accomplished.

Although what your chatlogs don't show is that the people that were spawned were trying to kill themselves on the bottom of the map. Infact, the chatlogs even show that several people had succeeded in spectating before your admins even launched the kick.

For info, Donk was first kicked too because he didn't spec, but then came back and acted as a sensible person, and we had no problem playing with him. So if there ever was a clear discrimination there, it was surely a discrimination against stupidity.

Donk is Canadian...

Of course, someone acting as you did wouldn't care about being banned.

I'm not irritated about being banned. Hell, that was kind of the point of our little operation. I'm irritated with your treating Americans like second class citizens without any given reason. This isn't the first instance of this behavior, but this is the first that we ("we" being a very vague term, I apologize) acted on it.

Again, I'm not arguing to make you come to reason, I don't expect you to show maturity anytime soon. What I'm doing is putting your lies into light and showing that you don't care about respecting others altogether.

I lol'd at your last sentence. The whole point of this was about discrimination and respect.
Also, if you honestly believe from the bottom of your undoubtedly huge and caring heart that the players in that server hold no bias against Americans, then perhaps you can answer why the Euro ball scene is the only group in all of altitude to organize a region specific tournament? And before you say "lag", lets face it, 70 ping vs 130-150 ping is not gamebreaking at all. Maybe slightly annoying, but not gamebreaking.

EDIT: hurripilot Replying to Thread Psa
Inb4 butthurt report form :P

Last edited by Evan20000; 11-29-2010 at 05:12 PM.
Old 11-29-2010, 05:12 PM
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Weeping Jesus on the Cross, I leave for 4 days and I come back to this? The intarwebs have not enough butthurt forms for this thread.

Old 11-29-2010, 05:12 PM
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Called it. And I'll take 4 of them.
Old 11-29-2010, 05:15 PM
hurripilot hurripilot is offline
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lolz, to describe what I was thinking when I read that you had been viewing my forum activity right when I was replying to this thread would be best left for a Stephen King novel. <3 sins
Old 11-29-2010, 05:16 PM
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I would like to think of it as an Uncle Touchy Mind-meld. <3 hurri

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