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Old 12-21-2010, 06:47 AM
elxir elxir is offline
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Default anyone want to make a new version of ball_football

I brainstormed a bit and came up with a way to preserve the greatness of ball_football (sort of), while adding actual obstacles to make for a more competitive and challenging atmosphere.

As usual, I cannot make maps. I am a ritard.

If anyone wants to have a run at this, please be my guest.

The idea is that it (drumrolllll) rained on ball_football, and there are now puddles and muddy spots on the map, representing the obstacles!

KEY: blue = puddles; brown = mud; red = powerups; yellow = neutral ball

The locations and shapes of the objects are just generalizations, but I think those spots make the most sense at first glance.

Now, I think it would be stupid to have perfectly geometrical puddles and such, but if anyone does make this thing, it may make sense to have certain edges of the objects somewhat rationally designed so balls don't go all over the place when passed off them.

Also, I drew in a spot behind each net for a team health spawn, but that's totally not needed. Up to you.

Regarding names: I don't know? ball_rainyday (?)

Here's a rough sketch:
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Old 12-21-2010, 10:28 AM
Urpee Urpee is offline
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A map with behind-the-goal action could be ball_hockey.

This would be great if it still kept the map open but just altered the ball/plane movement, perhaps slow down planes in mud and water in different ways while at the same time making it less likely to stall. Shot balls get stuck in mud if their speed is too low.

I don't think the game engine can do this though.

But if it's just obstacles, it kind of isn't football anymore, but one of the many obstacle maps. These are just completely different games. The whole point of football is that playing for space, passing and precise opportunity shots reigns supreme. The whole point of obstacles is to synergize with certain perks/plane properties in certain ways. I know some people don't like football but I tend to think it's more like some TDB players not liking ball (and vice versa) than a flaw in football per se. It's a different game and play style.
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Old 12-21-2010, 01:50 PM
classicallad classicallad is offline
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Nothing, nothing good can come from ball_football.
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Old 12-21-2010, 10:07 PM
elxir elxir is offline
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class it's the best map!
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Old 12-31-2010, 05:32 AM
bummeln bummeln is offline
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What about trying to encourage some actual footy tactics into the map, something like having some circles near the 18yd box corners to encourage something resembling crosses or something extreme like moving the spawns to the middle of the pitch to encourage going inside and outside moving quickly through the midfield.

Though now I'm mentally distracted and really wanting to see how a ball_foosball would play.
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Old 12-31-2010, 06:47 AM
Tekn0 Tekn0 is offline
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Originally Posted by classicallad View Post
Nothing, nothing good can come from ball_football.
It's actually not too bad for XP farming
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