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Old 06-11-2009, 05:50 AM
DevilsAdvocat DevilsAdvocat is offline
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Default Time Anchor

Originally Posted by lamster View Post
The intention was definitely NOT to nerf time anchor. I agree that a longer anchor is sometimes bad; if you have any ideas for imiproving anchor please post them!
well, since u asked... I think that the major thing that could be done for time anchor would be to change the cooldown system. I often find myself just trying to max out my line in time, but not having enough speed to do so. Perhaps making it so that it can be used after a certain period of time, OR maxing out the line.

However, i dont think that making it do damage would be a good idea... well, i think it would make time anchor kick ass, but perhaps it would be too good. Then i could dash (dealing dmg), time anchor (dealing dmg), and dash again (you get the idea). Unless ur gonna nerf the dash's dmg, which would dissapoint me greatly, that combo would likely kill any non-explo in half a sec.

Aside from that tho, time anchor is pretty much my idea of perfection... I think that the "problem" with time anchor is that it has a rather high skill requirement, and the skills arent exactly the same skills used by other planes. It took me about two weeks to stop crashing into walls constantly, and... until quite recently for it to be worth much in dog fighting/bombing. It isnt really the type of thing that can be picked up in a day. Altho, thats why i chose to use it

on a side not, does any1 else use time anchor? i have seen about two others, and they were short lived...

on an even more side note, any1 who thinks that my use of time anchor is "gay", should try doin it themselves. I look forward to seeing you... ignore this challenge and continue QQing
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Old 06-11-2009, 11:44 AM
tyr tyr is offline
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I was thinking about it today and I wanted to create a thread about it but obviously you did it before me.
So, here are my ideas for time anchor :

1. Since the main shot of the miranda is charged, time anchor could also be charged. The more you charge, the more it will send you back in time. You would start from just a little bit behind you to the current maxxed position after like 1 sec of charging. It would give experienced players many more possibilities and a larger control over what they do, which is I think really important to handle well the miranda.
What I think is bad with this option is that if you need to be far from your current position very quickly, you can't do it anymore like you can in the current version of time anchor. But i think it's still a good option.

2. Every ennemy plane in the path would suffer a energy loss from your time anchoring. It doesn't do direct damage, but if you know how to exploit well your ennemy's temporal weakness, it could be very effective.
I have some variants to this idea : Instead of "destroying" the ennemy's energy, it could give you some of it. So basically if you're anchoring without any ennemy in the path, it would use the usual energy cost, but if there's 1 guy, it would cost only like 70% or something, and remove to that guy some of his energy.
Another variant : It simply EMPs the guy(s) in the path.

3. Grants a very short invisibility to the miranda after anchoring. Like 0.5 or 1 second. I imagine a experienced player would know how to use it very well, hehe. I think it could be a good option, even though it would bring a lot of chaos on the battlefield, mirandas dissapearing and reapearing everywhere.

So yeah .. What do you guys think about these ?
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Old 06-11-2009, 02:38 PM
as red as black as red as black is offline
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Originally Posted by tyr View Post
Another variant : It simply EMPs the guy(s) in the path.
i like the emp idea a lot
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Old 06-11-2009, 03:45 PM
gameguard gameguard is offline
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im not too sure. I think time anchor is very powerful if used right. Its nearly impossible to catch devils 1v1 as it is. In large games, its generally more effective to use biplane or loopy, but in smaller games like 5v5 or less, you need to juke out less players to get through, which makes it very powerful. We only think its weak cus no one other than devils is truly proficient with it. I try to use it and crash everywhere lol.

If we give anchor offensive capabilities, it wouldn't be right. Reversal doesnt do anything other than add mobility, i htink anchor should be the same.
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Old 06-11-2009, 04:01 PM
gameguard gameguard is offline
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oh one thing i think the miranda needs is better bomb throwing distance. Miranda does not have an afterburner so the fastest he can throw the bomb is his top cruising speed. His dash does not factor into the bomb speed, so miranda is a pitiful bomb thrower. Maybe you could add a bit of velocity to the bomb if u drop it as you dash.
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:16 PM
DiogenesDog DiogenesDog is offline
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Well, I don't think we should worry about 1v1 balance. You can't balance both that and larger games, so to heck with 1v1.

Anyway, to add another idea to the "adding offensive capabilities" list: you could have it so that when you warp back in, there's a small shockwave around your plane. Then it's much harder to use than the version people are talking about (where it zaps everyone in the line) but still buffs it / adds something special.

not sure if it needs it... like the OP says, I think it's mostly just that almost everyone really sucks with this ability + it's useless in lag. but assuming an experience time anchor user and good ping, I think it's actually pretty powerful. but then again, it seems silly to balance it for 2 members of the community when the rest of us are weaker with it so meh. hard to say what makes the most sense.
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:38 PM
Shyney Shyney is offline
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Originally Posted by DiogenesDog View Post
not sure if it needs it... like the OP says, I think it's mostly just that almost everyone really sucks with this ability + it's useless in lag. but assuming an experience time anchor user and good ping, I think it's actually pretty powerful. but then again, it seems silly to balance it for 2 members of the community when the rest of us are weaker with it so meh. hard to say what makes the most sense.
Gonna have to agree with that! We should refrain from buffing Miranda. As it stands it already has very unique and very powerful abilities nothing else has. It can already get pretty lame, and really dosnt need to get any lamer. We should thank our lucky stars there are no good players that use it, god help us if one did. I think you'd find its abilities(if used correctly) would need to be toned down, not up..

I do agree it needs a boost for bombing though, with a lack of afterburner, or dash adding to bomb speed, you do not see nearly enough Mirandas running bombs.
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:54 PM
Kuja900 Kuja900 is offline
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1v1 balance is irrelevant to the overall balance of planes, in team play I like time anchor how it is, its fun trying to predict devil's warps lol.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:04 PM
gameguard gameguard is offline
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i didnt mean 1v1 like a duel. What I ment was that if its up to you to stop devils, its pretty damn hard. You need one guy shooting him, and another guy shooting where he will warp to lol. I think he got good enough where he can consistently bomb in 5v5. Well have to see haha.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:40 PM
jeppew jeppew is offline
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adding damage to timewarp means that a tele+timewarp would be an instakill on loopys and other mirandas, with a much longer range and area than biplane F+D.

And i agree that mirandas need a small boost to their bombing, the teleport is nerfed to hell when you have the bomb, just a small increase would mean alot.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:50 PM
Blank Blank is offline
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I don't think every plane needs to be a viable bomb dropper. It's not like explodets are tearing it up with the big bombs.
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:29 PM
DevilsAdvocat DevilsAdvocat is offline
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Originally Posted by tyr View Post
3. Grants a very short invisibility to the miranda after anchoring. Like 0.5 or 1 second. I imagine a experienced player would know how to use it very well, hehe. I think it could be a good option, even though it would bring a lot of chaos on the battlefield, mirandas dissapearing and reapearing everywhere.
OOAHHAHOHH... sry just jizzed in my pants. I think that would be waaaaay cool/hilarious/...generally awesome. Miranda is already the plane meant to generally screw the rules, and im all for more duche baggery with the miranda.

Originally Posted by DiogenesDog View Post
Anyway, to add another idea to the "adding offensive capabilities" list: you could have it so that when you warp back in, there's a small shockwave around your plane. Then it's much harder to use than the version people are talking about (where it zaps everyone in the line) but still buffs it / adds something special.
Seriously though, if you wanna buff time anchor, this sounds most viable. It would not be so easy to hit with as to make the dash, anchor, dash combo too OP, but still add power to it, encouraging new time anchor users... but thats just my opinion
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:08 AM
yankeeboy yankeeboy is offline
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There is absolutely no need to make time anchor any better. miranda is already such a deadly plane when time anchor can be used correctly.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:41 AM
DevilsAdvocat DevilsAdvocat is offline
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Originally Posted by yankeeboy View Post
There is absolutely no need to make time anchor any better. miranda is already such a deadly plane when time anchor can be used correctly.
i agree, i was just responding to this.

Originally Posted by lamster View Post
The intention was definitely NOT to nerf time anchor. I agree that a longer anchor is sometimes bad; if you have any ideas for imiproving anchor please post them!
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Old 06-14-2009, 12:37 AM
Valarauka Valarauka is offline
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How about simply allowing the plane to warp as soon as the line hits, say, 85% length instead of having to wait for the full 100%?
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