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Strange lag-like behavior
I am getting some weirdness happening when I try to play. It would be slow in joining a server (or not at all--the status bar would just keep scrolling) and then when I finally get in, all the planes either TA around the whole time or they just immediately just drop to the floor and bounce around. Also, when I try to alt-tab, it locks up my computer a bit. It's not my internet connection--that is fine, so not sure what it is. Here is the log!
INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:19,975] [main]: Initialized logger: file=log\Altitude.log, level=DEBUG, pattern=%p [%d{ISO8601}] [%t]: %m%n, maxFileSize=100KB, maxBackups=1, wasInitialized=false INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:20,303] [main]: Using any available IP (wildcard). INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:20,303] [Thread-1]: Requesting UPnP information for INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:20,319] [Thread-4]: Loading UPnP description for INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:20,350] [main]: Display.init INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:20,412] [Thread-3]: Internet lookup complete: Connected INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:20,428] [main]: Display.desktopResolution=1920x1200 INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:20,428] [Thread-2]: Server lookup complete: INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:20,521] [Thread-1]: Got UPnP gateway: WPN824V3, WPN824V3 router, 1, / -> INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:20,709] [Thread-1]: Got UPnP mappings: ["uTorrent (TCP)" -> TCP:16039, "uTorrent (UDP)" -> UDP:16039, "Spotify" -> TCP:42569, "uTorrent (TCP)" -> TCP:27295, "uTorrent (UDP)" -> UDP:27295, "Teredo" -> UDP:59492, "Teredo" -> UDP:61367] INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:21,036] [main]: setDisplayMode(1600 x 1200 x 32 @60Hz, fs=true, vsync=true) INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:22,097] [main]: Display.reportedFrequency=60 INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:22,097] [main]: Display.targetedFrequency=60 INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:22,113] [main]: Distributor is nimblygames INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:22,833] [main]: Found 0 game controllers: (0 other controllers) INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:22,833] [main]: No controller selected INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:25,282] [main]: Configuring UPnP INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:25,282] [main]: Processing 7 UPnP mappings: ["uTorrent (TCP)" -> TCP:16039, "uTorrent (UDP)" -> UDP:16039, "Spotify" -> TCP:42569, "uTorrent (TCP)" -> TCP:27295, "uTorrent (UDP)" -> UDP:27295, "Teredo" -> UDP:59492, "Teredo" -> UDP:61367] WARN [2011-08-29 21:47:25,282] [main]: Cannot create UPnP mappings for wildcard address: WARN [2011-08-29 21:47:26,341] [main]: hitch = 1059ms (average = 16ms) INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:28,518] [main]: onVersionResponse: <invalidRequest=false, message=null, version=0.0.355, vaporAuthenticationMethod=null> INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:28,518] [main]: Update check complete; up to date! INFO [2011-08-29 21:47:28,519] [main]: Using vapor authentication to log in. WARN [2011-08-29 21:47:28,610] [main]: hitch = 43ms (average = 17ms) WARN [2011-08-29 21:47:41,095] [main]: hitch = 422ms (average = 17ms) ERROR [2011-08-29 21:47:50,548] [Thread-12]: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source) at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source) at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.connect (Unknown Source) at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.<init>( Unknown Source) at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketFactoryImpl. createSocket(Unknown Source) at xp.F(SourceFile:1061) at xp.a(SourceFile:555) at RJ.run(SourceFile:461) INFO [2011-08-29 21:56:45,151] [main]: Got FacebookInfoResponse FacebookInfoResponse<facebookuserInfo=<facebookUID =1228275, facebookUsername=Alfred Man>, error=false, linked=false, alreadyLinked=true, linkable=false, message=null, facebookURL=http://apps.facebook.com/altitudegame/> INFO [2011-08-29 21:56:45,180] [main]: AltGame[instance=0, port=27272, playerId=-1] - connection to vapor established INFO [2011-08-29 21:56:46,042] [main]: Detected firewall = false INFO [2011-08-29 21:56:46,105] [main]: Router introduction:, c=27272, v=27272, u=false ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,347] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,416] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,416] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,454] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,454] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,454] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,515] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,515] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,549] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,584] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,684] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,762] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,914] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:49,979] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,114] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,184] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,184] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,217] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,217] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,247] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,247] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,247] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,247] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,248] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,282] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,282] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,282] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,283] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,283] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,316] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,316] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,345] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,345] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,345] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,346] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,381] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,381] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,412] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,412] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,445] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,445] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,481] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,514] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,514] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,720] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,720] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,757] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,789] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:50,789] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:51,054] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:51,054] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:51,088] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:51,088] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:51,088] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:51,089] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:51,089] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:51,089] [main]: unexpected server info response ERROR [2011-08-29 21:56:51,122] [main]: unexpected server info response |
INFO [2011-08-29 21:56:59,300] [main]: Loading ball_asteroids.altx:1448288:3007093370 ...
WARN [2011-08-29 21:56:59,676] [main]: hitch = 1596ms (average = 17ms) INFO [2011-08-29 21:57:04,225] [main]: ... load took 4925.0 ms INFO [2011-08-29 21:57:04,234] [main]: update friend status: <ip=, gameId=1, serverName=Ladder #4 - 6v6 BALL - no maxPing, numberOfPlayers=19, mapName=ball_asteroids, ping=83, passwordRequired=true, hardcore=true, minLevel=60, maxLevel=60, disallowDemoUsers=true, version=0.0.355> WARN [2011-08-29 21:57:23,062] [main]: hitch = 15173ms (average = 17ms) ERROR [2011-08-29 21:57:23,064] [main]: missingCount=106 ERROR [2011-08-29 21:57:35,685] [main]: 251, 109, 211, -1 ERROR [2011-08-29 21:57:35,685] [main]: ki: group buffer overflow ki: group buffer overflow at lm.a(SourceFile:360) at lm.a(SourceFile:326) at lm.a(SourceFile:304) at lm.a(SourceFile:239) at eg.a(SourceFile:34) at Pf.a(SourceFile:214) at XZ.a(SourceFile:427) at CS.a(SourceFile:18) at XZ.c(SourceFile:415) at XZ.d(SourceFile:351) at XZ.e(SourceFile:219) at eJ.aM(SourceFile:1678) at eJ.a(SourceFile:1600) at kD.l(SourceFile:117) at kD.b(SourceFile:89) at eJ.a(SourceFile:2336) at eJ.a(SourceFile:2176) at eJ.a(SourceFile:2511) at em.entry.EntryAltitudeGame.main(SourceFile:16) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Nativ e Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknow n Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Un known Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at em.update.client.launch.UpdateLauncher.a(SourceFil e:245) at em.update.client.launch.UpdateLauncher.main(Source File:72) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Nativ e Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknow n Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Un known Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at com.exe4j.runtime.LauncherEngine.launch(Unknown Source) at com.exe4j.runtime.WinLauncher.main(Unknown Source) INFO [2011-08-29 21:57:35,692] [main]: update friend status: <ip=null, gameId=0, serverName=null, numberOfPlayers=0, mapName=null, ping=-1, passwordRequired=false, hardcore=false, minLevel=1, maxLevel=60, disallowDemoUsers=false, version=null> WARN [2011-08-29 21:57:35,859] [main]: hitch = 70ms (average = 17ms) INFO [2011-08-29 21:57:39,502] [main]: Loading ball_asteroids.altx:1448288:3007093370 ... WARN [2011-08-29 21:57:40,458] [main]: hitch = 1010ms (average = 17ms) INFO [2011-08-29 21:57:40,658] [main]: ... load took 1156.0 ms INFO [2011-08-29 21:57:40,661] [main]: update friend status: <ip=, gameId=1, serverName=Ladder #4 - 6v6 BALL - no maxPing, numberOfPlayers=19, mapName=ball_asteroids, ping=83, passwordRequired=true, hardcore=true, minLevel=60, maxLevel=60, disallowDemoUsers=true, version=0.0.355> WARN [2011-08-29 21:57:49,066] [main]: TM> 0.7444352844187964 WARN [2011-08-29 21:58:02,451] [main]: hitch = 1031ms (average = 17ms) WARN [2011-08-29 21:58:09,612] [main]: TM> 1.0644124943366486 WARN [2011-08-29 21:58:20,672] [main]: TM> 0.9669967563293971 WARN [2011-08-29 21:58:33,040] [main]: TMS> 1.0011598598713007 WARN [2011-08-29 21:58:33,040] [main]: TM> 1.0 WARN [2011-08-29 21:59:27,390] [main]: hitch = 14947ms (average = 17ms) INFO [2011-08-29 21:59:27,479] [main]: Loading ball_ladderlobby.altx:500703:3808524589 ... INFO [2011-08-29 21:59:27,902] [main]: ... load took 423.0 ms INFO [2011-08-29 21:59:27,903] [main]: update friend status: <ip=, gameId=1, serverName=Ladder #4 - 6v6 BALL - no maxPing, numberOfPlayers=19, mapName=ball_asteroids, ping=83, passwordRequired=true, hardcore=true, minLevel=60, maxLevel=60, disallowDemoUsers=true, version=0.0.355> INFO [2011-08-29 21:59:32,978] [main]: Loading ball_mayhem2.altx:1661302:3661020846 ... WARN [2011-08-29 21:59:33,309] [main]: hitch = 379ms (average = 17ms) INFO [2011-08-29 21:59:34,432] [main]: ... load took 1454.0 ms INFO [2011-08-29 21:59:34,433] [main]: update friend status: <ip=, gameId=1, serverName=Ladder #4 - 6v6 BALL - no maxPing, numberOfPlayers=19, mapName=ball_ladderlobby, ping=83, passwordRequired=true, hardcore=true, minLevel=60, maxLevel=60, disallowDemoUsers=true, version=0.0.355> INFO [2011-08-29 22:00:01,515] [main]: Unresponsive server; 151 updates without response; disconnecting INFO [2011-08-29 22:00:01,517] [main]: update friend status: <ip=null, gameId=0, serverName=null, numberOfPlayers=0, mapName=null, ping=-1, passwordRequired=false, hardcore=false, minLevel=1, maxLevel=60, disallowDemoUsers=false, version=null> WARN [2011-08-29 22:00:01,681] [main]: hitch = 66ms (average = 17ms) INFO [2011-08-29 22:02:29,647] [main]: Loading ball_mayhem2.altx:1661302:3661020846 ... WARN [2011-08-29 22:02:30,145] [main]: hitch = 532ms (average = 17ms) INFO [2011-08-29 22:02:31,085] [main]: ... load took 1438.0000000001164 ms INFO [2011-08-29 22:02:31,088] [main]: update friend status: <ip=, gameId=1, serverName=Ladder #4 - 6v6 BALL - no maxPing, numberOfPlayers=19, mapName=ball_mayhem2, ping=83, passwordRequired=true, hardcore=true, minLevel=60, maxLevel=60, disallowDemoUsers=true, version=0.0.355> WARN [2011-08-29 22:03:02,693] [main]: TM> 0.912209613032806 WARN [2011-08-29 22:03:05,191] [main]: hitch = 591ms (average = 17ms) INFO [2011-08-29 22:03:05,191] [main]: ignore_se(539.1159) INFO [2011-08-29 22:03:14,270] [main]: ignore_se(682.33276) WARN [2011-08-29 22:03:26,459] [main]: hitch = 4964ms (average = 17ms) INFO [2011-08-29 22:03:26,459] [main]: ignore_se(4528.2085) INFO [2011-08-29 22:03:27,686] [main]: Client got disconnect notice from, reason:Connection to game server timed out INFO [2011-08-29 22:03:27,688] [main]: update friend status: <ip=null, gameId=0, serverName=null, numberOfPlayers=0, mapName=null, ping=-1, passwordRequired=false, hardcore=false, minLevel=1, maxLevel=60, disallowDemoUsers=false, version=null> WARN [2011-08-29 22:03:27,845] [main]: hitch = 65ms (average = 17ms) WARN [2011-08-29 22:03:30,851] [main]: hitch = 671ms (average = 17ms) |
Did you update drivers recently? Any weird processes running in the background (especially security, antivirus, or backups)? Tried rebooting? It looks like your system is busy doing something else.