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Old 08-22-2009, 02:11 PM
Rechtschaffen Rechtschaffen is offline
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Default Adding awesomosity

We all need awesomosity - in fact, I need 3lbs of it just to get up in the morning!!!

How can we add some of this essential ingredient to Altitude? I think that some more celebration of the winning stats would help to get us all pumped up about playing. Add a bit of presentational flair, and random surprises, and we'd be less impatient to skip past this screen and instead enjoy it more.

First of all, I have heard about previous iterations of Alt in which there were randomly chosen stats - such as LVP. This seems a bit mean, though, so let's think of other. We could have kamikaze, most assists but least kills, most/least steals on kills, most/least health packs picked up when not needed, most/least times landed on base. Let's put them in the mix.
Secondly, show the winning stats in a more suspenseful manner. So, first of all "most kills" might pop up, with the name shown in a quick left-to-right wipe. Then "longest life", then whatever else. Now, there should be a 1/5 chance that ONE of these is one of the randomly chosen stats from my first point. The random one could drop in and 'squash' the usual stat to be more surprising.
Finally-and-thirdly, the ultimate stat... it could remain as XP. (Perhaps there should be a chance this could be randomised - say 1/100 it is replaced by kamikazes or something!). At this point, that winning player's plane flies across the screen (and there are many ways to do this - simple left to right, diagonal, a loop-de-loop, an embarrassing stallfall, smashing into a rock, whatever) with a banner showing the winner's name.

I think this might motivate a few more demo players to buy the full game and see their name up there in that triumphant flyby. Such processions certainly got the Romans psyched up to kill some 'barbarians'.

TL;DR? Let's celebrate the winners and losers in fun ways on the stats screen to get people psyched about playing.
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Old 08-22-2009, 02:38 PM
Loli.ta Loli.ta is offline
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I liked the assist idea add-on. Most of the time it my prey gets stolen.
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Old 08-22-2009, 03:03 PM
eth eth is offline
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Haha a randomized scoreboard would be pretty awesome.
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Old 08-22-2009, 03:23 PM
Rechtschaffen Rechtschaffen is offline
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A randomly-inserted "most kills of enemy bomb carrier" stat (I'd get this one a few times, I love hunting 'em down)

Also - if it happens in the game - a teamkill with guided missile stat (I've done it a few times...)
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Old 08-22-2009, 04:44 PM
DiogenesDog DiogenesDog is offline
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Maybe a variant of this idea where you have ~5 core stats that always show up, then another 3-5 that are randomized based on game events. these would display basically based on predetermined thresholds so that it always displays one that had the highest (relative) number. so for instance you might have a thing like:

Most Robbed (aka Most Helpful): low = 2, med = 4, high = 6, v high = 9
Kamikaze: 1 / 2 / 4 / 6
Power-up Hoarder (powerups used): 5 / 10 / 15 / 20

and then you have a simple algorithm set up where it basically looks at which ones have the highest category. or if you have ties for category, you base it on the % of the way to the next category. so like 3 suicides vs 3 assists would favor the kamikaze stat, since that's "more" for that particular award (med instead of low). complicated for a player to figure out, but easy for a computer and makes it so it only displays the stats where something interesting happens. no one cares if someone got 1 suicide, but in the event that someone crashed 15 times in a match it's kind of funny and might be worth displaying.
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Old 08-22-2009, 07:19 PM
Rechtschaffen Rechtschaffen is offline
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Good stuff Dio. My only proviso to your own excellently implementable suggestion is that I want some surprise and drama to be possible - so it would be nice if there was a small, rare chance of the core stats being replaced by funnier ones - even a tiny tiny chance of the most important 'winners' stat being replaced by a funny one, just to make little changes that keep people smiling.
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Old 08-22-2009, 07:30 PM
Esoteric Esoteric is offline
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This is an Eso approved post.
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