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Old 12-23-2014, 05:35 AM
Mango777 Mango777 is offline
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Question Interstellar stuff (spoilers)

[WARNING] This could possibly bore you. I'm just typing down my thoughts.

Has anyone else seen Interstellar? I was really looking forward to its release.
It had a pretty good beginning, great middle sections, and what I feel is a classic betrayal (by Dr. Mann), but I think the trippy black hole time travel part ruined the movie. The time travel didn't make sense, loops and things, and how did Cooper end up orbiting Saturn after he was kicked from the weird black hole library of infinity? The ending was mediocre, Cooper was reconciled with his daughter Murphy, and there was a somewhat random scene of Brand on Edmund's planet, but is this happening concurrently while Cooper is visiting Murphy on the space station or in the past? And why don't we see Cooper visiting Brand? The score composer seems obsessed with creepy organ music; the black hole looks really good from afar. Why did the crop blight start consuming all the oxygen and releasing nitrogen, and cause dust storms? And did it affect all plants, or were they separate blights happening concurrently? Is the Cooper Space Station orbiting the wormhole or Saturn? When Cooper's ship is heading into the black hole, why does he encounter the dust and gas fairly late, after he already seemed to fly into the ring of gases; and why did the sparks only appear in the path of his ship? Why didn't the black hole rip up Cooper and his ship because of tidal forces, and why did Cooper eject from his ship? Are the wormhole aliens humans? This movie left me with more questions than any other movie I watched...
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Old 12-23-2014, 10:25 AM
Demuyt Demuyt is offline
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It's been a really long while since I saw it so I don't remember it well enough to answer all your questions, however:

-the scene with Brand stranded on a planet at the end is indeed happening while Cooper is on the space station. Cooper and the robot sacrificed themselves to lower the mass of the ship and save Brand (which is why she was left behind), while also aiming to collect data from inside the black hole, because apparently that solved Murphy's "equation" and allowed humanity to send off space stations. At the end you, after Cooper sees his daughter, can see him gearing up to go save her, she's still on Mann's icy planet I think.

-The space station is orbiting Saturn.

-The reason Cooper wasn't destroyed by the black hole is that aliens supposedly "prepared" this space for Cooper so he could transfer the black hole data Murphy needed to her using their watches. The fact that he ejects is just due to his ship burning up IIRC?

Bottom line: must watch it again sometime. Can't hate on Nolan for not filming a flawless movie, he had to make compromises between realism & an interesting plot I guess. Also, whhaatt?? The score was amazing.

You want a great space movie watch Kaufman's "The Right Stuff" !

btw I'll add a spoilers warning on the thread title
"thats not wut jk means "olld timer" jk means joking" - from $WN Fillichio KGB and tgleaf, Rhetoric Master Classes, 2010 Edition
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Old 12-23-2014, 05:23 PM
leggomyeggo leggomyeggo is offline
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as with demuyt, it's been a while since i've seen this movie. But, here are my thoughts (i actually really enjoyed this movie, despite some of the pseudo-science that made me literally say wtf out loud during the movie):

-first of all, any questions about when/how all of the time travel stuff works should be answered here:

-also a note: some people believe that these higher dimension beings are actually evolved from the humans that grew up after brand carried out plan B. they are then believed to have created the wormhole to save the human race (and therefore their own). i don't fully believe this, but it does tie things together nicely.

-the part about cooper being blasted into orbit around Saturn only really makes sense once you believe in the whole higher dimension beings thing. it's important to reiterate the fact that they don't see time as we do, they see time as we see a valley or a mountain. this is incredibly difficult to imagine, but once you can grasp that, things start to make a lot more sense. if you can realize this, you can see that it is these beings that basically thrust him into orbit around Saturn through the wormhole, knowing that he would be discovered there.

-yes cooper is visiting murphy while Brand is on Edmund's planet (this becomes important if you believe that plan B evolved into these higher dimension beings). also, it helps for a sappy story ending so that you know that she survived and whatnot.

-also 100% agree with demuyt that the score was absolutely breathtaking. i enjoyed every bit of it

-i don't really remember much about the whole crop situation, but that wasn't entirely too important i thought. really, all you need from that is the fact that the planet's dying.

i think all/most of your questions have been answered?

as a whole, i thought it was an incredible movie and probably the best i've seen in a long time (although this may also be my aerospace nerd side coming out). while there was some serious pseudoscience going on, a lot of what they did actually did make sense. feel free to ask any more questions you may have!
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Old 12-23-2014, 11:46 PM
Mango777 Mango777 is offline
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Angry ARGH screw this

Demuyt, at the end of the movie, wasn't Brand on Edmund's planet, the desert-ish one? I think the score was great, but somewhat creepy sounding... Thanks leggo for the timeline thing, but the timeloop stuff is confusing. ARGH I guess I have to deal with confusion... The science behind this movie was a third there, but the rest is somewhat made up. CONFUSION CONFUSION
Thanks Demuyt for adding (spoilers) to the title, must have forgot.

Sorry for being confused at this confusing movie...
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Old 12-24-2014, 10:19 AM
Demuyt Demuyt is offline
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Originally Posted by Mango777 View Post
Demuyt, at the end of the movie, wasn't Brand on Edmund's planet, the desert-ish one?
yeah you're right mb
"thats not wut jk means "olld timer" jk means joking" - from $WN Fillichio KGB and tgleaf, Rhetoric Master Classes, 2010 Edition
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Old 12-24-2014, 01:18 PM
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love is the fifth dimension
check m8t string theorists
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