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Just want to introduce myself
Hello, I'm Soul Evans.
I like Metal, Jazz and wind instruments, I also read far more Manga than I should. I've been playing Altitude for a few years now, and am finally going to try to not suck. I am decent at shooting, but my teamwork needs some work. Can anyone recommend a guide on how to improve my teamwork, and perhaps an offline mode (without bots) to practice passing? I main Bomber, but can't lob a ball ^^ Edit: Props to anyone that can guess what my name is a reference of, don't use Google to cheat please :P Last edited by Soul Evans; 01-27-2015 at 01:28 AM. |
You can play wind instruments? or you just like them?
I just like the way they sound. I would like to learn to play a flute in the future although, I want to learn to play a keyboard/ piano first! My favorite music genre has Metal, Jazz and wind instruments. Check out Diablo Swing Orchestra! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHih6En5WE4 I also like 20s music, check out the Ink Spots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCndJnA30rI I hate rap, but love Diggy-Mo' and the Gorillaz, don't ask me why. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tfbkts3STkk
Sorry if I linked too many songs at once, but I like music alot ^^ Last edited by Soul Evans; 01-27-2015 at 01:29 AM. Reason: Grammar |
thanks for sharing!
#radium |
If you like my tastes in music I can share more.. I probably know of alot of very good, or at least very strange bands that most people here have never heard of. Of course I don't want to flood bands if noone is interested.
i for one am very interest and would like it if you did so please share !
I'll just throw out some bands I like from various genres then, if you tell me what you like I can narrow it down. I'll start out with uhm, more, not mindblowing crazy bands. Over half the bands I know are asian so.
Galneryus these guys are in my opinion, the best power metal band out there. Period. I love the accent ofcourse. Momoiro Clover Z My favorite hyper idol pop girl band. Yui my favorite singer song writer. Pornograffiti please just ignore the name, its not porn. Unless you consider the Full Metal Alchemist symbol with a black background porn.. this is my favorite male pop singer. Takayoshi Ohmura one of my favorite 90s style rock bands. I think its technically metal, but it feels more like rock. Deltron 3030 some scifi hiphop, cause who cares about what the song is about if its good? Some of the same guys are in the Gorillaz. The good part starts @ 1:10~~ Depapepe a very talented guitarist duo. They have amazing synergy. Cthonic are a talented folk black metal band that can also play like this. Machinae Supremacy are the best 8bit Nintendo~metal band. Nightmare my preferred rock band of choice, complete with Death Note OP. Minstrelix a very talented metal band with a bit of a slower, opera style. I've linked a bit too much metal since its my favorite genre.. Cherry Filter this song makes me cry everytime, don't ask why T ~ T Marasy8 playing some piano Vocaloid (don't worry, its without the synthetic voices). This guy is my favorite modern pianoist, but I don't know very many so. Along with Logical Emotion, everyone in this band is very talented. Charlie Parra del Riego okay I lied, more metal, but this guy is freaking amazing. And who doesn't love Castlevania music? More Diggy-Mo', Soul Eater ending, but not the video I wanted. Why must Youtube delete the videos I love? Tuturu not music but, this is literally my favorite sound ever. Its Mayushii from Stein's Gate. Richard Cheese this guy sings other, "popular" song in a jazzy style. Its usually pretty good but, he does some pretty vulgar songs which I don't like. The song is from Pink Floyd this is the original, longer version of the same song. I think I'll stop here.. I'll upload some of the.. stranger bands if you'd like. You'll notice that I linked alot of music videos from anime, I found alot of these from watching said anime. So if you want anime or manga recs, I got those covered too :P (some advice don't watch Soul Eater past ep 30, the anime ruins it, read the manga instead!). I really need to get more Jazz in my library, the best I've got is jazzy off genre stuff. |
also thank you for sharing! |
Diabo Swing Orchestra is a band that I would argue is simply the best out there. At least in turns of raw musical ability, singing skill and vocal range, melody, and instrument choice. I linked Jazzy Metal with a hundred subgenres last time. Now its time for 90s style hiphop mixed with Jazzy violins. Bloodstain Child is Melodic Death Metal mixed with a Trance/ Pop style. Alot of people don't like death metal for the lack of variance, innovation, or melody. These guys got that covered. Gunhaioque is my favorite Native American band, they mix traditional Native folk and Native instruments with Black Metal. As far as I am aware they are all Native American. System of a Down has an interesting style, the first few songs in this compilation are "safe". The later songs are NSFW. Serj Tartkian is a freaking genius. After SoaD went on haitus he has released some phenomenal solo, and duo work. This guy is literally the most talented musician I have ever heard. Pin up Went down has some very good new musical ideas, and some very very weird ones. They are hit or miss for me. Norther isn't really that interesting, but I am toning this down. They are just an ordinary Death Metal band (although these guys are one of the few straight death metal bands I'll listen to), warning NSFW. I feel like I am just trying to top the last band, which isn't going to end well. Sooner or later I would end up reccing things that aren't even music anymore =/ Hibria. Do you like riffs? Because I like riffs. The opening to this is riffs built upon a foundation of riffs overarcing the great sea of riffs. Otherwise they are ordinary Powermetal. Babymetal. Time to tone it up with some Hyper Kawaii Jpop Girl Metal! Do you ever listen to Powermetal, or Cute Jpop Idols and wish they would intermingle? Well these girls have done just that, they also mix in some Touhou sounds. Bad Apple is a song sang by Nomico. Speaking of Touhou, this is my favorite Touhou style song. Noidea if it is actually inspired by Touhou or not. Touhou I referenced this a few times earlier. Touhou is a series of shoot them up with over a dozen games. The music, and everything else in the game is made by one guy. The legend is that he was reaally drunk when he made the game, and composed the music. I recced a gameplay video rather than an OST, if you watch you can see alot of bullets, thats why this is typically called the godfather of Bullet Hell games. Do yourself a favor and play this, start with game 6, and don't be like me, don't start on insane mode. There are also a dozen bands that play Touhou songs with other instruments! Rammstein is my favorite German anything. If you haven't heard of these guys before, then you are in for a treat. Well, the artists above are the artists I can think of off the top of my head. Everything below is going to be tuned up a bit. By 'tuned up', I mean these are going to be alot weirder, and not even have defined genres. Try to keep an open mind, and listen to at least 4 minutes of every rec. Alot of the openings will have slow build ups. I'm not going to hurt myself even going these guys a descriptions, listen at your own risk. Also, expect death metal style singing, aka growling and screaming. Ihsahn Ne Obliviscaris Thy Catafalque Ram-Zet Leprous David Sylvian some Pink Floyd style of music. Phew Fleuret Ryuuichi Sakamoto Plus do you miss the old Saturday morning cartoon music from the 90s? Because these guys sound like they are straight out of the Saturday morning cartoons lineup! Zigoku Quartet some ordinary Powermetal I really like to close this up, these guys are really only second to Galneryus. I kind've think that I went a bit too far into Avante Garde recs. But I mean, when someone asks for the strangest stuff I know of I try not to disappoint them! Don't say I didn't warn you :P Edit: Okay I lied. I'm closing with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_aUv-Wk-_4 Last edited by Soul Evans; 01-28-2015 at 02:10 PM. Reason: format |
Some oldies but some goodies:
Little T and One Track Mike The best song of all time Summa dat **** Summo' of dat **** |
Edit: I thought I would link something Jazzy since I didn't link very much Jazz earlier! Last edited by Soul Evans; 01-29-2015 at 03:52 AM. |