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![]() ![]() KLF is..... SSD (c) Fluffy Ingbo Meta Slender Mssv Xorg Moxy Sanis Bran JWhatever ~Hall of fame~ Recognised for their outstanding contribution to KLF Step - The rock Arthur Dent - Co founder Aking - the smooth operator Lord CCN - CCNCCNCCNCCNCCNCNNCCNNCNC etc. Jk - Just lol Eli - The spirit Bohica - The daddy YorK - He has great abs, nuff' said Mled - Bomber king Qishiu - The silent pro Luke - Lazer legend Lemon - The citrus fruit Mssv - Flankmasta Metagame - Twinkletoes ~Team info & background~ KLF is a team founded by Step, Class and Arthur Dent in May '09', derived from the team [BM] (Bomber men), created by Wolf'J'Max shortly before that. Since then we have managed to form a competitive team to participate in the Altitude Pro league who enjoy the competitive edge. KLF is known for its maverick tendencies, often experimenting with eyebrow raising formations and tactics. Another trait is recruiting lesser known players and spotting talent early to bring newer players or those with a lack of competitive play a chance to show their skills. ~Team theme tune by class~ http://soundcloud.com/alex-mcclean/kailef-v2 Last edited by classicallad; 08-21-2016 at 10:30 PM. |
cool, now I have an extra roster spot open for HW!
Hi arab i thought another direction was needed i hadn't seen you online for a week.
These clans are amazing.. taking bets on how long this one will last(or how long classicallad will be in it).
This clan actually disbanded and a new one started prior to you even making that post eth. You gotta be faster bro.
I'm pretty sure he plays far more than you do. Additionally, I'm sure he's glad you left so he has more room for experienced players.
Interesting but wholly unproductive replies there guys thanks very much, well i guess there will be jokes and jibes always so ill laugh along with you tee hee hoddle ha ho hrmmm... yeah well whatever girlfriend!
Oh trust me! When I started BOSS the whole first page is making fun of the team and I seem to be not helping. Welcome to the club!
Is it really so surprising? I saw you in chat when you were asked why you left BM, and you said something like "oh i dunno. just felt like it i guess". And here you are again, member of altitudes communist club.
I wish people would actually form teams, so we could have a little more competition than ACE vs fLb. What youre doing is just.. hanging around with other dudes until some cooler dudes come by? So pathetic ;o |
Yeah i suspected that would be the case combat rather immature really and if you ask the main players and admins for Altitude they will all tell you that they want Alt to get bigger and want more stronger teams to challenge so as for a better league so these guys are selfishly overlooking that.
all thats left to say is...... am i bovvered!! lol |
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Further to that same as x-denied i left bm because i constantly seemed to be one of the only members online all the time and im talking i play sometimes at 7am my time also 4am my time so thats a large spectrum. Second to that, bm ending was not my call i was merely a player, wolf [bless him] seemed disheartened by my departure and left himself, not my decision. thankyou for your imput c u next tuesday ![]() |
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If you're upset about your treatment at the hands of the community, pick at least one of the following: 1. Write properly instead of talking like a twelve-year old girl. 2. Take criticism to heart and improve, instead of being a smart-arse. 3. Show a modicum of respect for people who are a lot more experienced than you, instead of acting like a smart-arse twelve-year old girl. 4. Actually think before making yet another pointless social team. You could've picked up a lot of important criticism from the replies in this thread instead of sticking your head in the sand and then ****ting sarcastic replies out your arse. You didn't, so here I am to make these points clearer to you. Take this opportunity to learn from your mistakes, instead of continuing to whine and lash out to make yourself feel better. |
I've worked so hard.....I think I'm gonna cry....
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Ooh, more smacktalking on the internet. NE-HEHEHEHEHE-HEVER gets old.
I'm in. Oh, what else? Yeah. IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG! |
Thanks for your imput beagle, i would rather this thread be used for more positive purposes but you guys seem to be using it for negative purposes.
I would rather not let this go on as i want to concentrate on enjoying my Altitude experience and news for you im not going anywhere so get used to it. So where do we go from here am i to take it that this group will be looked down upon and mocked at every opportunity or do we pull together to help make a better gaming experience for all? Just a thought KLF. class |
Again, you are not taking any input in. You're sitting in defensive mode and taking everything purely to heart, instead of looking the objective message behind it.
You will very rarely meet strangers on the internet who take the time to pad their criticsm softly and warmly. If you can't take it like a man, you'll never learn anything. Your team is naturally going to be looked down upon by some people, because you're new and unproven. This thread also fleshes out your history and puts your solidarity and dependability in question, which adds to that. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just giving an honest answer. The lesson to learn here is there probably wasn't any need for this thread to be made, especially in the current climate of having two new 'serious teams' made every day. |
Ok i see your point and without wanting to sound like the offspring of a village idiot whats the point to all this?
I saw huge potential in this game for its playability and downright addictability, therefore i wanted to experience Altitude as far as it can go so.... Whether everyone decides to up and leave i will be playing for this group, i am just eager to play organised matches. I am naturally defensive when im pushed or critisized it is my burden, and to my own bad lol! I quite happy to have the p**s taken out of me so long as i know its in good jest i mean i dont even know who you guys are so why are you wasting your time here on this worthless thread? KLF.class |
Probably 'cause we'd like to see these players and teams become solid competitors, like you said.
If you wanna experience Alty at a competitive level, I don't know why you'd make your own team - seeing as you don't know anything about competitive Alty the absoloute best thing to do would be join an existing team and get some experience with play and management in general. This thread wouldn't have had any attention if you hadn't got defensive though, before that it was just us taking the piss at how many new teams are constantly being made ![]() |
In all fairness, this team only came about because our old one got disbanded for no apparent reason. Way I see it, this is like BM, but we haven't got a total noob at the helm, so it should be even better.
P.S. can I join yet class? :P |
you dont? I am confused.
You right Monxy i am a semi noob but im trying real hard to make this work, im working on setting ventrilo up with all of our players for in game speech and all sorts, would be nice to have some support from anyone willing to help.
KLF.class |
You should have a word with one of your boys, ...jk...
He gives you a pretty bad image, badmouthing all sorts of people who've been here a lot longer. Including me, after I tried to let him know about that in a civil fashion. Just some advice, seeing as you said you'd like help. |
I don't know of any of this and have not seen it myself i will talk with him and see what the situation is. needlessly dishing out abuse is not welcome and i shall relay this message to him.
Thanks KLF.class |
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mmmm wise erm words jk..... just stick to droppin bombs let me do the talking!
boom booom pow :P
u need twenty ppl???? i could be 1 of the ppl u need. i also know aking
KLF is a good clan. nice classic=D
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steady on cr@zy whoa nelli, early days but i happy with the set up. By the way did you tell combat you'd left BOSS or were you never officially rostered?
Hi lammy, no 20 ppl was a silly idea i just didnt want to get to match day and be embarrassed being short. But we have 11 i think that will suffice. Um forigive me if im being ignorant as you may be a vgood player but is lammy your in game name? dont think i have seen you, secondly i already submitted roster to oh god im evil lol. but add me as friend in game and you can check me out....besides you might think we suck!
alexmcclean@rocketmail.com KLF. class |
lol...to be honest im not very good either...i just wanna join a clan and yea aking gave me some tips on tatics...and my game name is Risen Demon
Last edited by lammyboi2104; 08-29-2009 at 12:30 AM. |
hey guys ima chill out of KLF, sorry d00ds. It was fun >>
Like hanging out with a buncha friends, hope that continues. |
oooooooo someone is out...can i join now?? :P
thanks for letting me know ccn, good luck
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ccn why are you leaving the clan
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so can i join since cnn is out???
lol....or mabye a post
hey class, can you edit the post in the league showing me in the KLF roster, thanking you kindly.
yeah ccn i sent a message to evil with an update of roster he just hasn't got round to it yet.
Hey! Am wondering if you are still looking for players. I would be very interested.
Game name: bohica |
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