The new season starts today (server likely up within 2 hours). Only small changes coming this season, but here is a list...
- Randa now requires 900 rating and rev requires 1400
- For team balancing, goal assists now count half as much as a goal.
- Damage dealt/received is saved for each game and total for season (just overall, not per plane). I will put a leaderboard on the website soon.
- x.x aka LewisH aka xal has been added as admin
- Starting to use server patches from x.x, currently only to fix nickname change bug and to log damage dealt/received on disconnect. Will work on implementing more of his patches, but most will only be used for my pub servers when they launch.
- Moving up and getting CP from Silver and Bronze tier is no longer simply top 3. Moving up from Silver will require a minimum rating of 1400 with the Bronze minimum being 850. Moving up will also require a minimum of 20 games played during the season (although if there is a old player returning and clearly in the wrong tier I will move them). Also getting a certain rating guarantees moving up even if not in top 3, 1600 for Silver and 1000 for Bronze. I did move Professional up to Gold from Silver for having a high rating even though finishing #4 in Silver.
- Players in Gold with ratings of 1100 or less have been demoted to Silver. Players in Silver with ratings of 600 or less have been demoted to Bronze. Hopefully players are mostly only in the wrong tier this season due to automatic placement formula used and we won't have to move any or at least no more than a couple players after future seasons (and I will certainly not let players abuse this to get a chance to win CP in lower tier).
To be added by early next week:
- New lobby map (will only be a quick update today to update the text on the current lobby)
- Remove password from servers, but require an in-server password entry or rule acceptance before account can use all chat or play ranked games.
Expected to be added during season:
- DM ladder will be back with at least TDM since that should already be working even though I have never tested it since rewriting the parser. 1DM is probably close to functional and likely will be back as well. 1DE likely needs some logic coded to properly detect how games were won which I'd prefer to have in before adding 1DE maps. DM stats will be reset at the end of the Ball season, but no CP will be awarded since I'm sure very few games will have been played. After this is will likely never be reset again with no seasons for DM. It is primarily to pass the time when not enough for Ball ladder.
- Map win rates although likely just a leaderboard for each map on the website and not for each player (at least by next season).
The season will last between 2.5 and 3 months assuming ladder is reasonably active, as I don't like to end season if not much ladder being played. There will be bigger changes coming next season such as re-adding achievements and I want to have these new features in ladder asap. With bigger features being added TBD season will end at the same time and CP awarded to top 3 (#1: 200, #2: 150, #3: 100). I do not expect to have any more seasons for modes other than Ball, but if possible I will try to figure out some other way to award CP for other game modes.