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Old 11-29-2009, 05:25 PM
djvdanny djvdanny is offline
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Default report/ban/mute

altitude staff and adminisration i have heard many rude comments and offensive ones and people have been cheating i was wondering in the actual altitude game u can place a tab of reporting players by name or vapour during the actual gameplay.

first have them type there own username in case of the person who he/she is going to ban is falsly accused of something they didnt do.

then, the other players name and/or vapour id. so we know who to ban.

lastly, the offensive they have commited i read that altitude is a 0 tolerance game so u can put ban/mute for saying bad words, cheating, threatning, sharing personal info, asking for personal info, abuse, and/or other. also u can ban by ip so they cannot make another account and just play secretly.

please reply...

thank you for reading,
have a nice day,
Old 11-29-2009, 10:00 PM
Beagle Beagle is offline
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If you have a problem with someone, you should take a screenshot of the offense, write 250 words of supporting evidence and then mail it to the resident Crime Register, who is Kuja900. Mail it twice just to make sure he gets it.

Meanwhile, your idea is that we should:

1. Type in our Username
2. Type in the other player's name/ID
3. Type in the offense they have committed

You can do all of this using the forum already. If it makes you feel better, think of it as the 'Altitude Support Substructure Report And Registration' forum, or ASSRAR for short.
Old 11-29-2009, 11:18 PM
eth eth is offline
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I'll make a semiserious reply:

Not ONE thing you listed is an offense. Nimbly games has zero tolerance for cheating - this does NOT mean they give a **** if I write **** in this post - which by the way will be censored out, but you can use your imagination. There is a word filter in the game. Use it. If you don't want to add words yourself, have your parents help you and make them put in a ton of bad words so you won't have to be exposed. You can even turn off the chat! That way, you won't have to deal with all the immaturity we other players spout.

Finally, who's gonna read all the complaints? 99% of them will be completely invalid, sifting through all that isnt something Id wish on my worst enemy. Least of all should karl/lamster do it, they have a LOT more important things to do(and so do most people really) than read this:

Offense: Hi admin, he say i suck, plz ban!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: -=Adolf Hitler=-
Username: Joe Noob
Comments: hi adolf say i suck but i RLY dont im pretty good pleyr but mayb not so much whit miranda.. but i pretty ok whit dat 2.. PLZ BAN!!!! he say im bad... im not. BAN!!!!!!!
Old 11-30-2009, 08:01 AM
tgleaf tgleaf is offline
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From what I've seen, no the company does not care what kind of offensive language is used in-game. There are several posts in the forums relating to this from over a year ago, and nothing (as far as I know) has been done about it. Yes, you can mute or kick an offensive player, but it isn't enough to have us police each other. An email message I sent to the company about this issue was ignored. I realize it would be a horrendous task to monitor all language in-game, but I think there needs to be a formal avenue of protest that customers can use to address the racism, homophobia, etc., that exists and is common in Altitude. If it takes a screenshot and an email/mail to Nimbly, so be it, but I'd like to hear that from someone who works there.
Old 11-30-2009, 01:18 PM
eth eth is offline
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Are you serious? Did you read my above post? How long have you been on the internet?

You'll NEVER EVER stop guys from 10-30 from using abusive language, and the internet is no different from reality in this respect. Is it really so hard to just ignore that some guy, somewhere in this world, decided to go by the handle "Adolf Hitler" in an internet game? Are you just COMPELLED to care, even though literally no one else does? Also let me write this in bold so maybe you get it:

Nimbly games, consisting of 2 devs, cannot possibly sift through all the complaints the userbase would generate, and 99% of these complaints would be invalid.
Old 11-30-2009, 01:39 PM
hurripilot hurripilot is offline
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Seriously, this is the INTERNET. Everyone and their mother's uncle's dog's bird has access to it somehow. You really thought you could just go onto the internet without running into a slew of racists, sexists, homophobes, potty-mouths, attention-whores, and all around sick bastards?

As eth has been saying, there's NO WAY two devs could keep track of every single complaint made about other players. This game has a language filter, one which was upgraded by Maimer not too long ago. It also has a mute function for individual players AND a function to disable chat entirely. If you have seen cheating in-game and have REAL AND CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF IT, then go read the thread Lam started about how to go about reporting cheating to Nimbly Games.
Old 11-30-2009, 03:13 PM
Triped Triped is offline
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I use the curse filter + mute and it works really well.
Old 11-30-2009, 05:46 PM
tgleaf tgleaf is offline
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eth and hurripilot,

I think you guys both make good points. And no, I'm not that naive, nor do I expect two developers to monitor endless complaints (most of which -- as you point out -- would probably be invalid). I suppose my best option is mute/filter. I do disagree with your premise, though, that these things are better off ignored. I think racism/sexism and the like should be addressed and confronted. Just because it does happen doesn't mean it should.

But you made your point.
Old 11-30-2009, 07:29 PM
eth eth is offline
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Get banned already, jesus. And tgleaf, I agree that racism etc is terrible, but the internet is NOT the place to combat it. How are you gonna fight 12 year old kids with anonymity as their shield?

You can't. Hence, just let it go/ignore it.
Old 11-30-2009, 09:27 PM
mikesol mikesol is offline
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While I agree that you can't do much to change 12 year olds you can encourage proper behavior by simply adding a few mods. Yes muting and ignoring is fairly easy to do and should be encouraged but sometimes just the players name can be offensive to people. Games played on private servers (ones that aren't owned by karl and lam) that have admins are generally a lot more fun and enjoyable for everyone.

I've mentioned this before (which I got no reply to but I'm sure people have seen it) that perhaps adding moderators to the official servers would solve a lot of these problems.

Yes Lam and Karl are just 2 guys and there would be tons of reports if you added a report a player button or something. However, if they elect maybe 3 people to try and do what they can to stop certain things like they have on the forums I feel it would make for a more friendly atmosphere / game.

One could simply require screen shots / chat logs for any ban to make sure that bans were acceptable. Of course, before bans were implemented you'd have a series of kicks and warnings. Really I see maybe 4-5 people that I feel would be banned - something that could easily be looked over by 2 people.

Edit: Of course, once we have a more solid player base and there are servers besides the official ones that are used and monitored this problem will prolly go away by itself. Those people not wanting to play with players like AdolfHitler would go to a monitored server.

Last edited by mikesol; 11-30-2009 at 09:29 PM.
Old 11-30-2009, 10:32 PM
wolf'j'max wolf'j'max is offline
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First off i hate that htlr guy (not going to write his name)
I am 13 and no one is annoyed by me. If so tell me so i can change my behaviour. Ufo muted me because he thinks i'm an annoying piece of ****. Well that has to be changed
Old 12-01-2009, 08:57 AM
nesnl nesnl is offline
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Here is a link to a post that contains a link to a file:

If you are interested in a more moderated game setting then please go read that post.
Old 12-01-2009, 12:12 PM
Jayfourke Jayfourke is offline
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Originally Posted by wolf'j'max View Post
First off i hate that htlr guy (not going to write his name)
I am 13 and no one is annoyed by me. If so tell me so i can change my behaviour. Ufo muted me because he thinks i'm an annoying piece of ****. Well that has to be changed
I haven't laughed so hard for quite a while there...
Old 12-01-2009, 04:23 PM
ufo ufo is offline
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Originally Posted by wolf'j'max View Post
First off i hate that htlr guy (not going to write his name)
I am 13 and no one is annoyed by me. If so tell me so i can change my behaviour. Ufo muted me because he thinks i'm an annoying piece of ****. Well that has to be changed
I don't think ur an annoying piece of ****...

I said you were an annoying ****.

As far as changing your behavior, take a look at how many goddamn posts per day u have, most of which I might add are completely meaningless and nonconstructive (please pardon the overwhelmingly blatant hypocrisy inherent to that statement as well as the nature of this post). I guarantee, without any attempt to verify the following fact, that u have the most ppd of anyone registered here. My point being that it is not necessarily what u say, its how often you say it (although lol@the ridiculous BS I had to endure in the chat box b4 I muted u).
I sincerely hope for your own sake that u stop givin so much of a **** about what people think of u, or alternatively, to stop thinking everyone gives so much of a **** about u; both of which I consider to be two sides of the same coin.

Not tryina be a dick, or too much of one at least, as I readily admit to bein guilty at times of thinking anyone has any interest in what I have to say.

If you mentally blocked out all of the above, I shall summarize very simply and concisely:
Relax, STFU, and play the game

O and enjoy your ban. I guess my dreams for a forum mute function came true.

ty admin sandman <33
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